Who poisoned Buzz Light year? Daniel Scott Physical Science Lab Report
DrinksPhysical property density Physical property color Physical optical Physical conductiv ity Chemical property flammability Chemical property reactivity Pure waterSame a waterClearTranspar ent mediumnoNone AlcoholLess dense than water ClearTranspar ent LowyesCompacted with water Salt waterMore dense than water ClearTranspar ent HighnoDissolved VinegarMore dense than water YellowishTranspar ent mediumnoBubbled Grape drink More dense than water PurpleOpiateHighnoDissolved Lemonade with pulp More dense than water YellowTransluc ent Mediumnodissolved Crime scene liquid Same as waterClearTranspar ent Mediumnonone Drink Lab
DrinkObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? pure waterClearPureHomoCompound Rubbing alcohol Smells weirdMixHeteroCompound Salt waterLittle clearMixHeteroCompound VinegarYellowishMixheteroCompound Grape drinkTaste goodMixHeteroCompound Lemonade with pulp YellowMixHeterocompound Crime Scene liquid ClearpureHomocompound Drink Lab
WrapsPhysical property malubilty Physical property luster Physical property conductivity Physical property Density Chemical property reactivity PlasticnoNot shinyBadLess dense than Water None AluminumyesShinyGoodMore dense than water none ZincyesShinyGoodMore dense than water None CopperyesNot shinyGoodMore dense than Water None IronyesShinyMediumMore dense than Water Yes SulfurnoNot shinyBadLess dense than Water none Crime scene wrap YesShinyMediumMore dense than Water yes Wrap Lab
WrapObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? Plastic See throughMIX HeteroCompound AluminumSharpPureHomoElement ZincHardPureHomoElement CopperLooks like rustPureHomoElement IronShinyPureHomoElement SulfurYellowPureHomoElement Crime scene wrap ShinyPureHomoelement Wrap Lab
PowdersPhysical property solubility Physical property conductivity Chemical property Melting point Chemical property reactivity Chemical property Flammability SucroseYesBadYesDissolvedNo Baking sodaYesBadNoDissolvedNo Sodium polyacrylate NoMediumNonothingno Sodium chloride YesBadNoDissolvedNo Ascorbic acid YesBadYesDissolvedno Crime scene powder YesBadYesdissolvedno Powder Lab
PowderObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? SucrosecrystalsMixHomoCompound Baking SodaSmells weirdMixHomoCompound Sodium polyacrylate AbsorbentMixHomoCompound Sodium chlorideGood on friesMixHomoCompound Ascorbic acidGood for bodyMixHomoCompound Crime Scene powder crystalsMixHomocompound Powder Lab
Hot dogsPhysical property Conductivity Physical property Density Chemical property Mass pre Chemical property Mass post Chemical property reactivity Pork hot doggood.75gram9gram6.5gramTurn purple Light pork hot dog good.69gram10gram6.5gramTurn yellow Fat free hot dog Good1.15gram11.5gram10.5gramTurn brown Crime scene hot dog Good1.05gram10.5gram9.8gramTurn brown Hot Dog Lab
Hot dogObservationsPure substance or mixture? Homogeneous or heterogeneous? If it is a pure substance, is it an element or a compound? Pork hot dogSmell weirdMixHeterocompound Light pork hot dog Lighter in colorMixHeterocompound Fat free hot dogLook the same a light pork Mixheterocompound Crime scene hot dog Light lookingmixHeterocompound Hot Dog Lab
Who poisoned Buzz Lightyear? The Culprit was Shrek!!!