SANDY HILL ECOTOURS BUSINESS PROFILE Prepared by Earlyn Shuffler February 8 th 2008 For The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
Sandy Hill Ecotours Introduction It’s been a pleasure working with the IICA Team and Mr Peter Watson, the owner of this farm, which we will discuss today. Peter is as excited when he is discussing tourism, as when he is telling you about his life as a small farmer. He takes every opportunity to lead a tour group through his gully or shool kids through his vegetable gardens. He is already selling to tourists, who stop at his fruit and vegetable stand.
Sandy Hill Ecotours Site Description: Sandy Hill is a small farm of about 7 acres, which is owned by Mr Peter Watson. He is currently producing crops of bananas, fresh vegetable and various herbs. He also maintains a fruit and vegetable stand, where he sells to “pass- through traffic” on the main road leading from Bathsheba.
Sandy Hill Ecotours Location & Concept Design The site for Sandy Hill Ecotours is located at Sandy Hill, St John near to Martins Bay. The main feature of this project will be the Welcome Centre and Viewing Platform, which will be visible from the main highway.
Sandy Hill Ecotours Location & Concept Design
Sandy Hill Ecotours Site Description: The farm includes a mature gully, which is easily accessible and would be ideal for hiking tours. There is an elevated area, which is ideally suited for the construction of a Welcome Centre with Gift Shop, a small Restaurant and a Viewing Platform. The farm is in a unique location, which would allow the Welcome Centre to be clearly visible from the highway and provide a great view of the St Martins, East Coast area.
View of East Coast
View of Martins Bay
Sandy Hill Ecotours Business Opportunity: There is an opportunity for Mr. Watson to diversify his business by creating an agritourism product, which would allow him to increase trade with the tourism sector and generate supplemental income streams with increased revenues from new activities and services.
Sandy Hill Ecotours Concept Design
Sandy Hill Ecotours Project Description: Welcome Centre, which will be developed to include the following: Reception Area and Gift Shop Restaurant/Kitchen Viewing Platform Washroom facilities
Farm Entrance from Highway
Access to Sandy Hill Ecotours
Sandy Hill Ecotours Project Description: Sandy Hill Ecotour, which will be developed to include the following: A Gulley Hike Farm Tour (Banana Patch, Fresh Crop and Herb Garden and Animal Encounter) Orchard and Woods with local fruit and trees. Relaxing on the viewing platform and enjoying the unique scenery. Fresh fruits and juices will be provided by the restaurant as part of the daily menu.
Water Fall in Gully
Sandy Hill Gully
View of Woods
Mature Sea Grape trees
Almond Tree in Woods
Sandy Hill Ecotours Project Description: Catering Services, which would include the following: Moon-light parties Karaoke parties Special entertainment events
Martins Bay Rum Shop
Sandy Hill Ecotours Financial Requirements: Estimated Project Cost include: Development Cost = $230K Equipment Cost = $40K Total Initial Investment = $270K Start-up Operating Cost = $40K Total Project Cost = $310K
Sandy Hill Ecotours Estimated Revenue/Expenses/Profitability Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four Year Five Rev. $39,100$78,200$117,300$156,400$195,500 Exp. $41,792$55,546$81,303$101,608$127,860 Profit ($2,692)$22,654$35,997$54,792$67,640
Sandy Hill Ecotours Investment Opportunity This project is expected to be profitable by year two. It is estimated that an ROI of more than 18% can be achieved by year four. The Owner will provide $180,000 for Capital Development and start-up Operating Cost. An Investment Partner is needed to provide $130,000 to assist with the initial Capital Development of this Business.
Sandy Hill Ecotours Business Owner: Mr Peter Watson The design and development of this project can start immediately. Any interested investors or finance institutions can meet with Mr. Watson to discuss this opportunity.