Perseverance What does it mean?
Take it apart. Say it. per-se-ver-ance perseverance
What does it mean? Tell your partner. “Perseverance is when somebody…”
Perseverance is when… You don’t quit even when you feel like giving up.
Perseverance is when… You keep trying again and again… …no matter how many times you fall.
Perseverance is when… You keep going, even when the task seems endless.
So what does it mean? It means going back and doing the job over until you get it right. perseverance
Word Family perseverance persevere persevering
Definition Perseverance What is perseverance? Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience, endurance. Perseverance is being able to bear difficulties calmly and without complaint.
Perseverance You will need ____________ to make the team. His____________ was rewarded: after many rejections, he finally found a job. ____________ is required to perfect just about any skill.
Perseverance is NOT… …quitting.
Do you have perseverance? Will you persevere in your studies this year… and in your life? perseverance