Why do some people succeed in having their prayers answered; have a greater understanding of the Bible; reach more souls for Christ? Is it skill, genius, or just plain luck?
The answer is suggested by Calvin Coolidge: "Press on! Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts."
Jesus talked about the virtue of perseverance; especially in its relevance to prayer, giving us motivation to persevere in our service to God
– Perseverance is implied in these verses
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is implied in these verses By the tense of the Greek. Present tense, stresses "continuous action".
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is implied in these verses By the tense of the Greek. Present tense, stresses "continuous action". By the progression of terms themselves
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is implied in these verses By the tense of the Greek. Present tense, stresses "continuous action". By the progression of terms themselves – "asking" is one level of inquiry
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is implied in these verses By the tense of the Greek. Present tense, stresses "continuous action". By the progression of terms themselves – "asking" is one level of inquiry – "seeking" suggests a step up
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is implied in these verses By the tense of the Greek. Present tense, stresses "continuous action". By the progression of terms themselves – "asking" is one level of inquiry – "seeking" suggests a step up – "knocking" is another step up
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is relevant to:
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is relevant to: "Prayer" Matt 7:11; Lk 11:5-8; Lk 18:1-8
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is relevant to: "Prayer" Matt 7:11; Lk 11:5-8; Lk 18:1-8 "Bible study" Psa 1:1-3; 119:97-104
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – Perseverance is relevant to: "Prayer" Matt 7:11; Lk 11:5-8; Lk 18:1-8 "Bible study" Psa 1:1-3; 119: "Evangelism" - reap what we sow Gal 6:7
PRINCIPLE OF "PERSEVERANCE" (7-8) – If we desire success in any venture, but especially in prayer, Bible study, and evangelism, then we must adopt "The Virtue Of Perseverance."
– God delights to give good things to his children Matt 6:31-32; Matt 7:11
MOTIVE FOR PERSEVERANCE (9-11) – God delights to give good things to his children Matt 6:31-32; Matt 7:11 – Especially true in regard to prayer
MOTIVE FOR PERSEVERANCE (9-11) – God delights to give good things to his children Matt 6:31-32; Matt 7:11 – Especially true in regard to prayer Jesus promised His disciples Jhn 15:7
MOTIVE FOR PERSEVERANCE (9-11) – God delights to give good things to his children Matt 6:31-32; Matt 7:11 – Especially true in regard to prayer Jesus promised His disciples Jhn 15:7 As John wrote in 1Jhn 5:14-15.
MOTIVE FOR PERSEVERANCE (9-11) – God delights to give good things to his children Matt 6:31-32; Matt 7:11 – Especially true in regard to prayer Jesus promised His disciples Jhn 15:7 As John wrote in 1Jhn 5: And James wrote in Jas 4:3
To persevere is a noble virtue, especially in regards to prayer
– We have a Father in heaven who is not untouched by the persistent pleas of His children Heb 4:15
To persevere is a noble virtue, especially in regards to prayer – We have a Father in heaven who is not untouched by the persistent pleas of His children Heb 4:15 – Providing we do not ask amiss, persistent prayers will not go unanswered!
If we desire to receive, find, and have doors opened to us, then we must
– Keep on asking
If we desire to receive, find, and have doors opened to us, then we must – Keep on asking – Keep on seeking
If we desire to receive, find, and have doors opened to us, then we must – Keep on asking – Keep on seeking – Keep on knocking
If we desire to receive, find, and have doors opened to us, then we must – Keep on asking – Keep on seeking – Keep on knocking Not only in regards to prayer, but in all ventures worthy of Christians such as Bible study and evangelism