2 Why teach children about the social and emotional aspects of learning? 1. Self awareness 2. Managing feelings 3. Motivation 4. Empathy 5. Social skills
3 How do we at Wavell promote the development of social, emotional and behavioural skill? Work covered in PSHE, Circle time, drama and all subjects. Work covered in PSHE, Circle time, drama and all subjects. School and class rules School and class rules Assemblies, school councils Assemblies, school councils Reward systems, Special Days Reward systems, Special Days Through a whole school approach Through a whole school approach
4 What are the themes. New beginnings Getting on and falling out Say no to bullying Good to be me Going for goals Relationships Changes.
5 ASSEMBLY A long, long time ago in a village at the bottom of a mountain, Samindra lived with his mother and baby sister. When Samindra was little, his father had been taken away to fight in someone else's war across the mountains. Samindra’s mother spoke of his father often. ‘He is the bravest, strongest and most hard-working man in the village,’ she said. ‘I’ll never be like my father,’ Samindra told himself. Samindra did not feel brave or strong, and he certainly did not work hard. You’ll never be like your father,’ his mother said to him when he ran off and made mischief instead helping on the farm. Samindra’s mother worked hard to feed the family. The family’s prize possession was an old tractor. It was always breaking down but she always got it going again. Without it they would have to leave the farm.
8 QUALITY CIRCLE TIMES Theme 4 – Going for goals. Y6 – Green part 2 Wk123 Warm upChoose from a variety of circle time warm ups Silent statements Swap places if… a. You have changed your hair style this year b. You had something different for breakfast this morning a. You walked a different route to school this morning b. You have played with different people at playtime this week a. You have changed bedrooms this year b. You have changed schools ever RoundsI feel … about the goals I have set myself I hope I will achieve the following new skills from my friends …….. When I start secondary school, the goal I am going to set myself is… MainWhat new subjects skills are you looking forward to learning at your new secondary school? What about the subjects you are not looking forward to? What would be the best approach? Read Martin Luther Kings I have a dream speech. What were his goals in life? Why? What aspirations do we have? Read Danny’s story. Discuss how we would help him. Discuss and share how we all feel like Danny at times. Have they ever tried to learn something new that they really struggled with and wanted to give up? What does it feel like if you do persevere and achieve your goals? Thank youOpportunity to say thank you to any member of the class
9 Extends emotional vocabulary sadhappyangryafraidsurprisedrepelled discontented unhappy distressed anguished miserable depressed down despairing devastated hurt upset overwhelmed joyful delighted pleased glad cheerful elated contented blissful ecstatic excited satisfied irritated resentful hostile contemptuous bothered furious annoyed exasperated indignant mad outraged aggressive enraged frustrated petrified worried uneasy apprehensive concerned frightened terror struck threatened disturbed anxious nervous intimidated panicky scared stressed terrified awed disbelieving shocked amazed taken aback astounded stunned repelled
10 Photos good prompts for discussion
11 How do we measure success How do we measure success? Use QCA Social and Emotional development scale in September and June General standard of behaviour around school
12 Impact of SEAL Children work well in team situations Children are able to communicate better Children appear to be happy and confident in and around school Property and resources are respected.
13 “I feel really proud when I’ve taught someone a new skill and I see them using that skill.” Craig “You get to respect others. It makes you realise everyone is good at something.” Molly “It’s helped me work with people I don’t normally work with.” Aaron