Dine and Discuss Focus on the Common Core Tracing Fractions and Rational Expressions Throughout the 2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics A look at Fractions with an eye on Mathematical Practices The Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts
The Common Core proposes a set of Standards for Mathematical Practice that all teachers should develop in their students. The Mathematical Practice Standards in the CCSS resonate well with the NCTM Process Standards in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. CCSS Standards for Mathematical Practice
NCTM Process Standards and the CCSS Mathematical Practice Standards NCTM Process StandardsCCSS Mathematical Practices Mathematical Practices Problem Solving1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically Reasoning and Proof2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3b. Critique the reasoning of others. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Communication3a. Construct viable arguments Connections6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure Representations4. Model with mathematics.
CCSSM CCSSM stands for Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
CCSSM: Fractions and Rational Numbers
PreK – 8 Domains
CCSSM Resources (The Hunt Institute) Free CCSS App: type Kendall Hunt into search box in the iTunes App store
American Chopper Tackles Fractions
What Questions and Concerns Did You Notice? What plans do we have to address the concerns?