Tests, Trials, & Temptations James 1:1-27 This is a somewhat difficult topic, because:  of the apparent lack of distinction in the words used  of the.


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Presentation transcript:

Tests, Trials, & Temptations James 1:1-27

This is a somewhat difficult topic, because:  of the apparent lack of distinction in the words used  of the apparent contradictions of this text with others; for example- >compare v.13 with Matt.4:1ff >compare v.13 with Gen.22:1 (KJV)

It’s also difficult because its personal:  We all have our own personal trials & temptations (in which we’re supposed to rejoice???)  And they’re all different! > What tempts me and is a trial to my faith, may have no effect on you, and vice versa. >And they come in so many different forms.

This is a photo of me (the only one taken to my knowledge) after doing several months of chemo in “trials” take different forms!

Now, how to deal with these difficulties?  We’re not going to try to identify your personal challenges- you’re smart enough to know what tries and tempts your faith.  We will enable you to better understand: >the distinctions between tests, trials, and temptations; and >resolve the apparent contradictions of the text.

Let’s start with the distinctions in the words:  v.3, “Test”- Grk. dokimon: proving; that by which something is tried or proved.  v.2, “Trials”- Grk. peirasmos: an experiment, attempt, trial, or proving.  v.13, “Tempted”- Grk. peirazo: to try whether a thing can be done; to try, make a trial of, test: for the purpose of ascertaining his quantity, or what he thinks, or how he will behave himself.

Didn’t help?  Me neither! Try this: >Tests- commands from God, either + or -, ie “do this” or “don’t do that”. >Trials- circumstances which may make obedience to the command of God more difficult or uncomfortable. >Temptations- our reaction, or over-reaction to the combination of the test in trying circumstances.

Think about it this way:  God does not tempt, v.13.  But He does issue commands, either + or - (test) that, depending upon the circumstance (trial) in which we find ourselves and our attitude toward it, may present a difficult choice for us to make (temptation).

Let’s be clear:  God issues commands which test us because,  He allows, sometimes through Satan, the circumstances to try us by making obedience more difficult.  But temptation is our reaction, or over-reaction, to God’s commands in these difficult circumstances. Thus, temptation comes not from God, or even directly from Satan, but from within Us! v.14

Let’s illustrate because pictures help:  Consider the example of Abraham from Gen : >The Test? “offer him (Isaac) there as a burnt offering” 22:2 >The Trial? “your only son, whom you love”- Abraham had waited some 25 years for this son! cf.12:4 & 21:5 >The Temptation? Apparently none, 22:3-10. The conclusion? 22:11-12

One more quick illustration/picture:  Consider the example of Job from Job 1 - 2: >The Test? (command from God) An implied “remain faithful” 1:1,8 >The Trial? (circumstances which make it tough) Lost everything: wealth, family, health. 1:13-22; 2:1-8 >The Temptation? (sometimes, the easy thing to do) Job 2:9 “Curse God and die!” But notice Job’s faithful reaction to all of this, 2:10!

Let’s apply what we’ve learned to James 1  God does not tempt, v.13  All followers of Him will be tried, cf. Matt.4:1ff & 2Tim.3:12.  But not all will be tempted (fail), James 1:12.

So, how do we “persevere under trial”?  Note the text: (hopefully now made easier) 1. Recognize/understand what’s happening and why its happening when you’re being tried, vv.3, Appreciate the value of the experience, v Seek God’s readily available help, vv Long for the benefits that come from Tests, Trials, and even Temptations, vv.4,12.

How is all of this supposed to affect us?  Again, note the Tests (commands) of the text: vv “quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger” v.21 “putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness” v.22 “prove yourselves doers of the word…” v.26 “bridle the tongue” or “deceiving your heart”? v.27 “visit” and “keep oneself unstained”

Surely the circumstances, or Trials, of life make keeping these commands, or Tests, of God more difficult... but will you be Tempted and fail? Or, Persevere under Trial, be approved of God, and receive the Crown of Life which God has promised to those who love Him?

**Bonus Coverage** Remember four keys from 1Cor.10:12-13 to Overcoming Temptation: 1. No one is bullet-proof regarding temptation, v You’re not special, nor is your case, regarding temptation, v.13a 3. “God is faithful and will not allow….” means that when you fail, it’s your fault and yes, you could have helped it! v.13b 4. There is always a right thing to do- God never leaves us with nothing but wrong choices! It may be the most difficult thing you’ve ever done, but there is a right thing- find it and do it! v.13c