Background Prior to 1999, the U.S. Military decontaminated personnel and equipment against chemical and biological agents with… bleach. Not only was bleach relatively ineffective, but it destroyed vehicles, equipment and made soldiers sick. The Department of Energy asked Sandia National Laboratories to come up with something better. 1
Breakthrough Sandia’s researchers developed a 2-part disinfectant and chemical decontaminant formulation that is so tough, it kills even anthrax spores, but is safe enough for everyday household use. Nothing else like this exists in the world. Several hours after use, the formulation breaks down, becoming inert. It is non-toxic, contains zero-V.O.C.s, is biodegradable and is safer than household bleach. 2
About Decon7 Effectively eliminates up to seven 9’s, or * % of Microbes: Most antiseptics kill 99.9% or 99.99%. 99.9% amounts to washing with soap and water, and thousands of microbes survive and repopulate as stronger, more resistant and robust offspring. To truly sanitize an environment, you must eliminate the microbes. This is what you get with Decon7 – no microbes, no re-growth, no cross contamination, and no breeding of antiseptic-resistant superbugs. 4 * Log kill rates may vary. See test reports.
About Decon7 Effectively spores, molds, fungus, bacteria, viruses to % and neutralizes industrial toxic chemicals within minutes. Decon7 is biodegradable and safe enough for household use. 5
About Decon7 Decon7 Systems is the exclusive manufacturer of Sandia Labs’ decontamination foam with bag-on-valve technology. It is the U.S. government’s highest-strength, military-grade mold remediation, disinfectant and chemical decontaminant. Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM 6 Introducing the world’s safest and most effective antimicrobial and chemical decontaminant ever created. Kill bacteria, viruses, spores, molds and fungus to 100% and neutralize toxic or deadly chemicals immediately, with something totally biodegradable and safe enough for household use. Developed at Sandia National Laboratories.
About Decon7 Biological pathogens Up to “Log-Kill 7” – or %… this is unheard of! Bacteria Viruses Spores Molds Fungi Chemical Contaminants Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction Foul Odors Not just a mask; oxidant chemically cleaves molecules, rendering them inert 100% effective against even skunk and feline spray/urine Decon7 effectively eliminates or neutralizes: 7