Chapter 7 Section 1
What is a Protist? Eukaryotes, (have nuclei) Live in moist surroundings. Most are unicellular, but some are multicellular. Some are heterotrophs, some are autotrophs, and a couple are both.
Grouping Protists Three categories: animal-like fungus like plantlike
Animal-like Protists also called protozoans are heterotrophs. Most can move from place to place to get food.
Animal-like Protists Many protozoans that live in fresh water have contractile vacuoles.
Animal-like Protists Four types: sarcodines ciliates, flagellates sporozoans
Animal-like Protists Sarcodines move and feed by using pseudopods. Pseudopods are temporary bulges of the cell membrane that fill with cytoplasm.
Animal-like Protists Ciliates are covered with hairlike projections called cilia. They use cilia to move, obtain food, and sense the environment.
Animal-like Protists Zooflagellates move using whiplike flagella.
Animal-like Protists Sporozoans are parasites that feed on their hosts’ cells and body fluids. Plasmodia attacking RBC
Funguslike Protists heterotrophs, have cell walls use spores to reproduce. Unlike fungi, all funguslike protists are able to move at some point in their lives. Dog vomit slime mold
Funguslike Protists The three types: water molds downy mildews slime molds. Slime mold fruiting bodies
Plantlike Protists Plantlike protists are called algae. autotrophs variety of colors because they contain many types of pigments—chemicals that produce color.
Plantlike Protists - Euglenoids Euglenoids can become heterotrophic when sunlight is not available.
Plantlike Protists - Dinoflagellates covered by stiff plates move using two flagella. beautiful, glasslike cell walls.
Plantlike Protists - Algae Green algae live in fresh water, salt water, and moist places on land. Red algae and brown algae live in the oceans.
Brown Algae