Air Section #2: Air, Noise, & Light Pollution
Air Pollution can cause serious health problems to the very old, the very young, & those with heart or lung problems research has shown more links to air pollution & diseases Americans pay tens of billions in healthcare costs related to respiratory diseases caused by air pollution
Short-Term Health Effects of Air Pollution headaches nausea irritation to the eyes, nose, & throat tightness in the chest coughing upper respiratory infections (bronchitis & pneumonia) makes asthma & emphysema worse these are reversible is exposure decreases
Long-Term Health Effects of Air Pollution emphysema lung cancer heart disease damage to the lungs of children may worsen medical conditions of the elderly
Police Officer Wearing a Smog Mask in Bangkok, Thailand
Indoor Air Pollution sometimes the quality of air inside a home or building is worse than the air outside plastics & other industrial chemical are major sources, like those found in carpets, building materials, paints, & furniture (esp. when new)
Indoor Air Pollution identifying & removing the sources of indoor air pollution is the most effective way to maintain good indoor air quality ventilation is key & should be increased during times such as renovating & painting
Sources of Indoor Air Pollution
Sick-Building Syndrome most common in hot places where buildings are tightly sealed to keep out the heat people can develop allergic reactions to fungi (mold & mildew) that grow in the air- conditioning ducts, ceiling tiles, carpets, & furniture
Radon Gas a colorless, tasteless, & odorless gas that is radioactive occurs naturally In Earth’s crust from the radioactive decay of uranium can seep through cracks & holes in the foundations of homes & businesses, & schools
Radon Gas the gas adheres to dust particles that are inhaled & enters the lungs here, radon destroys the genetic material in cells that line the air passages, leading to lung cancer people who smoke are especially susceptible
Radon Detector
Asbestos minerals that form long, thin fibers valued for their strength & resistance to hear used primarily as an insulator & as a fire retardant used extensively in building materials banned in early 1970s
Asbestos Fibers
Asbestos exposure is dangerous fibers that are inhaled can cut & scar the lungs, causing the disease asbestosis victims have more & more difficulty breathing, may eventually die of heart failure billions of dollars have been spent to remove asbestos from school buildings across the U.S.
Asbestos Removal
Noise Pollution any unnecessary sound a pollutant that affects human health & the quality of human life airplanes, construction equipment, city traffic, factories, home appliances, lawnmowers, etc. underwater noises also disrupt the ability of marine mammals to navigate & communicate
Health Problems from Noise Pollution loss of hearing high blood pressure stress can cause loss of sleep which can lead to decreased productivity at work or in the classroom
Measuring Noise Pollution the intensity of sound is measured in units called decibels (dB) the quietest sound that a human ear can hear is represented by 0 dB each increase represents a decibel level that is 10 times higher than the previous level a sound of 120 dB is a the threshold of pain & can result in permanent deafness
Intensity of Common Noises
Light Pollution unlike air & noise pollution, light pollution does not present a direct hazard to human health but it does negatively affect our environment in urban areas, inefficient lighting diminishes the view of the night sky & is a waste of energy it also affect nocturnal animals
Light Pollution for example – lighting that is directed upwards into the night sky is lost to space this comes from billboards, signs that are lit from below, lighting of a buildings exterior, & street lights of poor quality
Controlling Light Pollution shield lights so the light is directed downwards use time controls so that light is used only when needed use low-pressure sodium sources which are the most energy–efficient source of light