Chap 7 Between The Wars Vocabulary Words
1) Russification- The process of forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian Empire 2) Czar- Russian king 3) Proletariat- the lower class workers of Russian society society 4) Capitalists- the wealthy upper class business owners of Russian society 5) Bolsheviks- Radical Revolutionaries that sought change in Russia change in Russia
6) Vladimir Lenin- Leader of the Bolsheviks 7) Soviets- Local governmental councils consisting of workers, peasants and soldiers 8) Communist Party- Name of the Bolshevik government that took control of Russia 9) Karl Marx- Writer of the Communist Manifesto whose ideas of government were adopted by the Bolsheviks 10) Joseph Stalin- Took control of the Communist Party after Lenin after Lenin
11) Totalitarianism- Type of government that controls every aspect (both public and private) of its’ citizens life 12) Great Purge-Campaign led by Stalin that eliminated anyone who threatened his power 13) Command Economy- System in which the government made all economic decisions 14) Five-Year Plans- Economic development agendas started by Stalin 15) Mohandas Gandhi- Leader of the Indian independence movement 16) Civil Disobedience- The non-violent means to achieve one’s goal
17) Salt March- Peaceful demonstration meant to defy the salt tax instituted by the British 18)Kemel Ataturk- Led the Turkish rebellion for independence against the Ottoman Empire 19) Zionist Nationalism- Campaign for an independent Jewish state 20) Fascism- Militant political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader 21) Benito Mussolini- Founder of the Fascist Leader in Italy Italy
22) Adolf Hitler- Fascist Leader of Germany 23) Nazism-German brand of Fascism 24) Mein Kampf- Book written by Hitler that outlined his political beliefs 25) Emperor Hirohito- Emperor of Japan that became the symbol of Japanese power