Chap 12 Gases Section 1 Gas Properties and Kinetic Molecular Theory
Gas Event Theater Label your paper: “Gas Event Theater” Part I: Gas Knowledge
What you already know about gases. Draw a picture of a gas in a closed container. Include concepts of energy and particles. Label clearly. Write a paragraph summarizing your knowledge of gases. Call this “Important ideas about gases.” Share with lab groups.
Gas Event Theater Part 2: Event & Skit Individually: Observe Gas Event (heating closed container with balloon. In lab groups: create and perform a skit explaining the gas event, using your list of “important ideas about gases.” Show the concepts of energy and particles. The skit is done without talking.
Gas Event Theater Part 3: Skits & Responses Audience: Write questions or restatement of what they did, for each performing group. Performing Lab Group:Answer audience questions about the skit or verify/correct the restatements.
2 nd Gas Event Balloon inside flask Observe the 2 nd gas event. Explain how this could work, using the concepts of energy and particles.
Unique Properties of gases Mostly empty space Fluids Low Density Compressible “Fill” whole Container Fast moving particles (700mph) Large distance between particles
COMPRESSION OF GASES Demo Use two syringes: one with water and cap one with air and cap Air compresses, water does not. Why?
Link to video demos Steve Spangler /content/science-video/ellen-show- video
Can gases be helpful?
Can gases be harmful? All colorful gases are poisonous. ie: Bromine (brown) and Iodine (purple)
Kinetic Molecular Theory Particles in constant, random motion Collisions with walls of container and other particles, frequently, causes pressure. Temperature of gas (in Kelvin) = Average Kinetic Energy. Energy Distribution Graph pg 422.
Gas Measuring Tube Eudiometer Demo on Gas Measuring tube. Use colored water to show filling and immersion of gas tube. Relate to original Mercury Barometer. Have meter stick to show where 760 mm is.
Pressure Units Normal Air Pressure at Sea Level = 1 atm (atmosphere) = 760 mm Hg (from mercury barometer) = 760 Torr (Torricelli-inventor of barometer) = 101,325 Pa (Pascals- French) = kPa = 14.7 psi (pounds per square inch – American)
Different atmospheric pressures at different altitudes
Pressure Conversions Use unit equalities to convert from one pressure unit to another.
Section 1 Practice problems Conversions with Pressure Units 1 atm = 760 mmHg = 760 torr = 14.7 psi = kPa Make the following conversions:(Show work) Sample: 845 mmHg x __1atm ___ = 1.11 atm 760 mmHg
Pressure Conversions Practice 630 mmHg x ____________ = kPa 25 psi x ____________ = mmHg 425 kPa x ____________ = atm
Pressure Conversions Practice 3284 torr x ____________ = kPa 98.0 mmHg x ____________ = torr 1.65 atm x ____________ = mmHg