Nuclei What internal structure do all Protists have?
Contractual vacuole What is the structure within a protist that collects water and disposes of it from the cell?
symbiosis The interaction between two species where at least one species benefits is called…
Algae and Fungi A lichen is a symbiotic relationship between what two things?
Cilia How do Ciliates move?
Plant like Algae are what type of Protist?
Eutrophication What is the process by which nutrients build up in a lake over time?
Hyphae and Under groud hyphae What are the two types of thread like structures that make up most Fungi?
Spores What do Fungi produce in the "fruiting bodies"?
By extending its pseudopods around the particle to engulf it. How does an amoeba get it's food?
Algal blooms are a rapid increase in the population of algae. In the ocean, the bloom can cause red tide which has dangerous toxins that the algae produce and the toxins can transfer to the organisms that consume the algae. An algal bloom in a lake can increase eutrophication, blocking sunlight and depleting oxygen causing organisms to die off. What are algal blooms and what problems can they cause in the Earth's waters?
The hyphae of two fungi grow together and exchange genetic material producing a fruiting body. How does sexual reproduction occur in fungi?
Amoeba What organism moves using pseudopods?
Most other organisms would begin to vanish as well because algae provide food for many organisms and produce oxygen for the atmosphere. What would happen if algae suddenly vanished from Earth?
Damp, dark, wet areas that have decaying or dead matter Under what conditions do Fungi grow best?
Air, water, hitchhiking How are spores transferred to other areas?
Recycler, food source, disease agent, disease fighter, organism living in association with plant roots, one of the pair of organisms in a lichen Name six roles that fungi play in nature.
Threadlike hyphae grow into a food source then release chemicals that break it down. How does the cell structure of a fungus help it obtain food?
A freshwater due to the smaller area that most freshwater lakes and other take up and the nutrient sources are easier to identify. Would it be easier to control a freshwater or a saltwater algal bloom? Why?