SACS CASI Background Dedicated to advancing excellence in education worldwide, AdvancED provides accreditation, research, and professional services to 27,000 institutions in 65 countries. AdvancED provides accreditation under the seals of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on School Improvement (SACS CASI).
SACS CASI The Accreditation Process To earn and maintain accreditation, an institution must: 1. Meet the AdvancED Standards and accreditation policies. (Five standards) 2. Engage in continuous improvement. 3. Demonstrate quality assurance through internal and external review.
SACS CASI History SACS CASI was contacted in 2009 by stakeholders of the Burke County Public Schools. A Special Review team visit was held on August 2-4, 2009 in which interviews with stakeholders were conducted. From those interviews the Burke County Board of Education was found to be non-compliant with several standards and policies. We were given twelve actions to complete in order for us to retain accreditation. Subsequent visits were held on December 14-15, 2009, May 10-12, 2010, December 6-8, 2010 and May 23-24, 2011.
SACS CASI History cont. Following those visits we received a report of the review teams findings and had to submit an Institution Progress Report, detailing what we were doing to correct the actions. Of the original twelve actions we only have two left to complete. The review team will return on January 24-26, 2012 to see if we have completed the remaining two actions.
SACS CASI Required action 1 The Burke County Board of Education must be able to validate that all actions and behaviors of board members are fully aligned with the official board policies and all applicable AdvancED Accreditation Standards. (Three directives)
SACS CASI Directives 1. Conduct a retreat, with an outside facilitator, to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for improving the relationships among the superintendent, members of the board and other school system stakeholders. Ensure that appropriate focus is given to the proper roles and responsibilities of board members, inside and outside the boardroom. A shared vision and commitment to student achievement must be clearly supported in the plan.
SACS CASI Directives 2. Conduct an attorney-led review of NC school law, open meetings law, and other state requirements and responsibilities for school boards, and draft and sign a commitment to adhere to the Open Meetings Law and other state requirements and responsibilities for school boards.
SACS CASI Directives 3. The superintendent and board chair will review with the school board attorney all agendas prior to board meetings, and the school board attorney will provide guidance to promote the efficient and effective actions of the board in conducting the meeting.
SACS CASI Required action 2 The Burke County Board of Education must develop a written plan including a timeline for the provision of training board members in effective boardmanship. Continue to review and educate themselves on the policy changes, particularly in the area of board and superintendent/management team relations; in conjunction with this, develop and employ a written communication plan, which includes an implementation timeline for educating themselves, staff, and the public. (Four directives)
SACS CASI Directives 1. The Burke County Public Schools Board of Education Commitment to Best Practices must be updated and approved by the board, communicated to all stakeholder groups through the school system’s website (and other appropriate methods), implemented, and monitored.
SACS CASI Directives 2. The Board and Superintendent must identify a parliamentarian who will document any infractions of the Burke County Public Schools Board of Education Commitment to Best Practices by board members.
SACS CASI Directives 3. The 30 “appropriate behaviors” that have been adopted by a majority of the board, and included in the Burke County Public Schools Board of Education Commitment to Best Practices, must be included in the “self- evaluation” tool, which must be completed by all attending board members following every board meeting and used to develop strategies for additional board development and growth.
SACS CASI Directives 4. The school system must develop, implement and monitor a comprehensive communications plan focused on improving communication and trust among and between board members, the superintendent, staff and the community. The plan should include the various strategies delivered across multiple mediums.
SACS CASI Next steps 1. Board training (School Board 101) 2. Comprehensive plan for improving relationships (Handout) 3. Communications plan (Handout) 4. Continued focus on student achievement 5. Continued review and revision of all practices 6. Accreditation restoration