Dennis E. Wisnosky, DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect in the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer Standards Based Architectures in Support of DoD Business Operations – Primitives & Common Vocabulary March 22, 2010
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 1 DCMO CTO/CA Intel Mission Area Enterprise Information Environment Mission Area Business Mission Area Warfighter Mission Area Dennis E. Wisnosky, DoD BMA CTO & Chief Architect in the Office of the Deputy Chief Management Officer (DCMO) Missions of the DoD
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 2 ACDM Mission: To be the premier professional organization that shares and refines the disciplines that accomplish Configuration, Data, and Change Management necessary for the delivery and support of products and services in a competitive and regulated global business environment. “…ensure that the disciplines of CM and DM continue to gain momentum and respect as value-added adjuncts to the business process…” ~ Cynthia Hauer, President, ACDM ( RPA Perform Physical Asset Accountability – BEA 7.0 Performer Processes & Activities Data Objects (Business Rules, Resources) Information Exchanges
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 3 Big Picture!
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 4 Strategy and Roadmap for DoD Business Operations Transformation Stds. Performance Measures Semantic Information CV & Primitives Roadmap Past (BMA Federation Strategy version 2.4a) Present (BOE Execution Roadmap) BEA 3.0 BOE Vision DCMO/CIO Policies CIO - DIEA Arch. Fed. MDR Federation Implementation Plan CIO/DISA – Federal Cloud BEA 8.x Semantic Mediation & Data Virtualization (BTI) NCES/CES BOE Service Enablement Domains HRM/ Med FM Logistics RPILM WSLM/ MSSM Execution DBSAE SOA Imp. Strategy Enterprise Standards Cloud Strategy Future (BMA Architecture Strategy version 3.0) Initial BOE Experience DBSMC/IRBsDCMO/DCIO; EGB; BECCM Version2. 4a DoD Strategic Mgmt. Plan (SMP) Common Vocabulary RDF OWL Vision & Strategy Planning & Roadmap Infrastructure Governance Data Integration BI
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 5 Common Vocabulary Technical / Systems Functional / Requirements Building the Vocabulary Using the Vocabulary Governance Identify Conflicts Resolve Conflicts Review Vocabulary Approve Vocabulary Alignment Unify Format Parse Input Cleanse Vocabulary Match Terms Publish Results Architecture C.A.R.P. / AV-2 Template Match Terms Build Models / Primitives Validate Models Mediation & Virtualization Routing Content-based Addressing Protocol Adaptation Messaging mediation pathways BEA Common Business Vocabulary Common Vocabulary RDF Store Common Semantics Legacy Systems Mediation Virtualization common vocabulary
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 6 E2E Model Hierarchy Enterprise Level Operational Level
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 7 Details!
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 8 Ability to Communicate Enterprise Architecture is primarily about People talking to each other...
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 9 Ability to we can build Systems and Services that talk to each other
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 10 3/17/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 10 5/14/ Why is this hard?
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 11 Enterprise Architecture Many Frameworks Many Views Many Techniques –UML, IDEF, BPMN, RAD, EPC, PowerPoint and many, many others...
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 12 We don’t speak the same language! We don’t see the same things in pictures!
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 13 Address Standards… The problem first started on the USGA Website. –It would not accept: # Xxxx ### Street Name (correct) # X. ### (No spaces) #X### (Numbers only) –It would accept ##### Street Name (doesn’t exist) Several searches were conducted using search engines specializing in maps. Some could find the address most could not (examples on following slides). –Issue: All these sites are translating the natural language differently. –Issue: The United States Postal Service guide to address standards is 208 pages long. Does this constitute a standard?
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 14 # Xxxx ### Street Name Street Name ### Street Name All are in the business of maps but come up with different results… Mapquest was unable to find the Address typed correctly However, when the first # Xxxx combination was dropped 2 addresses were suggested ** Yahoo maps was unable to find anything in any format. The USGA site separates address into 2 fields: House number, Street Name This is why it would only accept ##### not #X###. To specific. City State City State Street Name City, State Sip
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 15 The address is searchable in Google. In both these examples part of the address was wrong and it was still found. Below: Left of the & south (this was added back in by Google). Right: Put city as Chicago and it recognized it should be Naperville. Google can find it… With incorrect information The address ##### which was accepted by USGS could not be found. XXX Street Name City, State # Xxxx ### Street Name City, State Zip ##### Street Name City, State Street Name City, State Zip #X## Street Name City, State Zip Other Suggestions Street Name City, State Zip #X## Street Name City, State Zip
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 16 Google Earth knows me precisely
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 17 Building Common Vocabularies Define Capabilities What is the architecture supposed to achieve? Items: Objectives Features Services Define Resources Which data/ resources will be consumed or produced? Items: Nouns Define Activities Which processes/ activities will provide the capabilities? Items: Verbs Define Performers Who/What will be involved? Items: Roles Systems Actors Capability Vocabulary Activity Vocabulary Resource Vocabulary Performer Vocabulary Capability View Process View Data & Rule View Process View
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 18 Building, Managing and Maintaining the DoD CV Build and Manage CV BEA Team DoD CV BECCM DoD COI’s
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 19 DoD Governance of DoD Core Data, Universal Core Business Enterprise Common Core Metadata COI, Common Core (BECCM COI) FM COI Data Governance HRM COI Data Governance FM COI Info Models HRM COI Info Models WSLM COI Info Models MSSLM COI Info Models Warfighter Communities of Interest WSLM COI Data Governance MSSLM COI Data Governance RP&ILM COI Data Governance RP&ILM COI Info Models Intelligence Communities of Interest COI Operational Governance Accept & Expose data using Enterprise Standards HR EIW
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 20 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 20 We don’t speak the same language! We don’t see the same things in pictures!
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 21 Other Disciplines Can Do It Not ThisBut This:
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 22 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 22 Standards-based Architecture - Primitives foundation for PrOnto Ontology (Lexicon) PriMo Modeling Guide PriMo Modeling Guide Different Frameworks input for influences informed by Standards Best Practices Standard Language (terms and definitions) Standard Symbols Engineering Language and Symbols: Music Language and Symbols: Architecture Primitives DoDAF 2.0 serves as the foundation for architecture primitives Use Cases being developed and used to drive pilots Style Guide Dictionary
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 23 Patterns & Primitives PrOnto PriMo A style guide provides subjective advice that will ensure the design of high quality products A style guide advises on –Choice of words Which constructs are appropriate in a given situation –Choice of grammar How to combine constructs to maximum effect Provides basic definitions of the architecture model semantics Provides elementary rules for the connectivity of primitive constructs Provides foundation building blocks for constructing architecture products Caveat: A common vocabulary by itself does not guarantee high quality products Dictionary Style Guide
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 24 3/17/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 24 5/14/ Example Application: Joint Close Air Support
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 25 Vocabulary-based Primitives Joint Close Air Support
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 26 1: Milestones 3-Level Hierarchy: Milestones 2: Collaboration 3: Procedures
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 27 Enterprise Information Warehouse/Web
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 28 Problem Statement Personnel Visibility (PV) Problem: DoD currently lacks the enterprise level information to quickly and accurately account for personnel, manage troop strength, and war plan –Impact: challenges the objective of having the right personnel in the right place at the right time to fight battles and win wars. –Sample COCOM personnel visibility needs: Requirement 28.0: Provide timely and accurate information on the location, status, and identity of units, personnel, equipment, and supplies with emphasis on Personnel including patients. Requirement 124.0: Identify the availability of personnel within the active forces, or within the reserves and other sources when analyzing mobilization alternatives, to satisfy filler, replacement and force expansion personnel requirements. Federation Problem: PV requires data from within and across many distinct system and organizational boundaries (domains) –It is often not possible to federate and integrate applications across domains –Domain transactional systems constantly changing. –Changes in relational architecture are expensive
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 29 Big Picture Use HR Domain Ontology (HR “dictionary” or common vocabulary) to support a run-time federated information environment –Create a virtual web of DoD authoritative source HR systems Create a single “view” of distinct data –Answer any HR information requirements with existing HR systems or show the gaps –Plug-and-play federated environment so new systems can come online and go offline without disrupting the overall environment
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 30 What are we doing? 1.Building an ontology (using W3C standards) of the DoD HR Domain An ontology is a conceptual model that is executable (queryable); The ontology unambiguously describes information in the DoD HR Domain It builds a common vocabulary that will support information integration (federation) 2.Building ontologies to describe the different information consumers and providers in the HR Domain Consumers - CHRIS's, Processes, COCOM 129's Providers – HR Systems 3.Using the HR Domain Ontology to show how the different information consumers and providers relate to a common model (vocabulary) Mapping CHRIS's to concepts in the HR Ontology Mapping DIMHRS to concepts in the HR Ontology Gap Analysis - Showing how CHRIS's relate to DIMHRS More complex than simply gap or no gap
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 31 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Semantic Technology Standards RDF – Resource Description Framework –Graph based information model; triples (node-edge-node) –Make arbitrary assertions about things URI – Uniform Resource Identifier –Universal identifiers that can be used to uniquely identify something (concept or thing) across any application RDFS/OWL – RDF Schema/Ontology Web Language –Standard language for defining a vocabulary (aka ontology) to describe things SPARQL – SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language –Query language for RDF data
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 32 Project Execution Model
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 33 HR EIW The HR EIW is a mechanism for reaching into service applications to satisfy enterprise HR information needs. It accomplishes three things: –Reports real-time, authoritative HR information on-demand. –Supports HR enterprise information standards. –Supports IT flexibility. mashup DMDC Data Stores External Data Services HR Data Store HR Data Store DoDI Personnel Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store HR Data Store Component Data Stores Common Vocabulary Multiple Sources Single View Increment 1 Transition Compensate Develop, etc Increment 2 Increment 3 Modeling 12/31 3/31 6/30 Phase 1 9/09 6/1012/109/12 Proofs of Delivery Modeling Phase 2Phase 3 12/10 9/12 Publish Stds Sustainment 9/15 RDF Store Process/Rules Mgt Map OSD HR to Service Ontologies Federated Ontology Increment 4-n Publish Stds SME RDF Modeling RDF Info Services Adv Mash-ups SPARQL Federation DIMHRS & CHRIS Alignment Delivered 18 Dec 09 DIMHRS-CHRIS Stds Alignment
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 34 Status
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 35 Backend PoD1 Architecture S1 DIMHRS Target Database Ab Initio Server Composite Server Firewall ETL Data Virt DMZ Web Service Call (bind) DKO XML FileSOAP/XML HTTPS HTTPS Port 443 for web traffic Port 443 open for web traffic to DMDC HTML Objectives Achieved: Web Service DKO CAC Authentication Data Virtualization ETL Process DMDC MOU P&R HR Ontology Models DIMHRS Reuse DMDCDMDC App Server Proxy Server EIW POD: Transition Voluntary Retirement ( 1/1/2008 – 11/1/2009)* S3 S2 S4
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 36 EIW Operational Governance Screen dump of Knoodle/M30
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 37 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA Stove Pipes Tiered Accountability Allies Global Collaboration Service providers Contractors In DoD Agile, Adaptive, Net-Centric Was IS “To Be”
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 38 Governance Processes Primitives & Design Patterns All of the pieces together! End-to-End Processes Common Vocabulary HR Data Store HR Data Store HR Data Store HR Data Store DoDI Personnel Data Store DoDI Personnel Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store HR Data Store HR Data Store Data Presentation Secure and Resilient Available and Efficient Interoperable and Federated
SAVE THE DATE ~ APRIL Featuring Sheraton Crystal City Hotel 1800 Jefferson Davis Highway In 2009, the DoD SOA Symposium demonstrated that SOA must be considered a Team Sport, involving all elements of people, process, technology and especially Trust. This 2 nd Annual DoD SOA Symposium is focused on the Discipline necessary within each individual team member and the team as a whole to be successful. It will provide Government and Industry professionals with the experiences of individual and team’s successes that are a result of best practice strategies for business intelligence, program management, information access, Discipline, and much more. Hosted by Mr. Dennis Wisnosky BMA Chief Technical Officer & Chief Architect, OSD DCMO
Thank you! Questions?
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 41 Backup
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 42 Where Else Being Done? eSpace –Traditional EII technology (i.e. MetaMatrix RedHat, Composite, Ab Initio, etc.) providing real-time integration of signal intelligence data RDF-like virtual layer to provide user-driven analytical capability DCGS –RDF Warehouse (i.e. Oracle, Mulgara, etc.) to provide scalable integrated access to tactical intelligence data Context-driven analysis Semantic Wiki for user information input Warehouse loaded from traditional databases, web services, and document entity extraction tools VISION –Joint federated SOA based on common vocabulary translation and formal business process modeling and execution. Others Include –NIH –DIA –AF EVT & TIPT –BBC –Essential Open Source Project –Univ of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center –Chevron
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 43 Ontologies “A formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization” - Wikipedia An ontology is a machine-readable description of a domain –Model: Information model, Metadata model, Logical model –Vocabulary Defines classes, properties, and instances which exist in the domain and the relationships between them –What types of things exist? Classes –What types of relationships exist between things? Properties –What is the meaning of a given term? Relationships between Classes and Properties
3/22/10 DWiz DoD DCMO BMA CTO & CA 44 RDF (Resource Description Framework) “The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a language for representing information about resources in the World Wide Web.” W3C RDF Primer –RDF enables the description of things (resources) in the form of graphs –Each RDF statement (triple) consists of 3 parts: subject, predicate, object –A triple forms a node-edge-node structure in a graph –No schema necessary to describe things –Subject – Predicate – Object is the only schema Example: Mike has brown hair Translation Format: Subject Object Predicate MikeBrown hairColor