North Arlington Public Schools NJASK Data 2013-2014 Presented by: Dennis Kenny, Nicole C. Russo, Elaine Jaume, Marie Griggs & Jennifer Rodriguez
North Arlington High School
HSPA DATA Mathematics Language Arts # % School Year Tested Language Arts # % School Year Tested Partial Prof PP Pro- ficient P Adv. Prof AP % P or AP %P %AP 2001-02 104 29 27.9% 65 62.5% 10 9.6% 72.1% 15 14.4% 75 14 13.5% 85.6% 2002-03 113 44 38.9% 61 54.0% 8 7.1% 61.1% 26 23.0% 79 69.9% 77.0% 2003-04 119 31 26.1% 77 64.7% 8.4% 73.1% 22 18.5% 84 70.6% 12 10.1% 80.7% 2004-05 110 35 31.8% 57 51.8% 18 16.4% 68.2% 111 33 29.7% 73 65.8% 5 4.5% 70.3% 2005-06 135 36 26.7% 74 54.8% 25 73.3% 16 11.9% 81.5% 9 6.7% 88.1% 2006-07 124 42 33.9% 72 58.1% 8.1% 66.1% 21 16.9% 87 70.2% 12.9% 83.1% 2007-08 136 25.7% 81 59.6% 20 14.7% 74.3% 17 12.5% 80.9% 6.6% 87.5% 2008-09 149 47 31.5% 86 57.7% 10.7% 68.5% 150 24 16.0% 114 76.0% 8.0% 84.0% 2009-10 30 26.5% 71 62.8% 10.6% 73.5% 11 9.7% 96 85.0% 6 5.3% 90.3% 2010-11 121 32 26.4% 60.3% 13.2% 73.6% 7.4% 98 81.0% 11.6% 92.6% 2011-12 25.0% 69.4% 7 5.6% 75.0% 83.9% 13 10.5% 94.4% 2012-13 14.5% 65.3% 20.2% 85.5% 4.0% 77.4% 23 96.0% 2013-14 14.9% 19.8% 85.1% 2 1.7% 91 75.2% 28 23.1% 98.3% 13 yr avg. 122.54 32.92 26.9% 74.08 60.5% 15.46 122.69 16.00 93.62 76.1% 13.00 86.7%
The High Schools accomplishments on state testing can be attributed to a school wide (Administration, Staff and Student) yearlong commitment to prioritize and reward student success.
Preparing for PARCC Adopting the NJDOE ELA Model Curriculum Using NJDOE Model Curriculum Assessments (aligned to PARCC) Incorporating exemplar texts as outlined in the common core appendix Incorporating common core aligned writing activities across the curriculum Utilizing testing data to identify at risk students (PARCC preparation course) Supplementing the math curriculum with “Assistments” skill builders in areas of Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II Summer Enrichment- Wiki dedicated to PARCC prep including resources, sample items, tutorial and practice test Continuing to provide opportunities for students to familiarize themselves with computerized/online assessments Incorporating common core activities in the Social Studies Curriculum especially by requiring text analysis of exemplar informational texts
Grade 6 at NAMS The 6th grade class outperformed the State average by more than 7% in English Language Arts. More than 88% of the 6th grade class achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK Mathematics portion. This was the highest percentage in the past seven years. The 6th grade special education cohort outperformed the State by more than 20% in math and 10% in English Language Arts.
Grade 7 at NAMS The 7th grade class outperformed the State by more than 6% in English Language Arts. The 7th grade class matched the State average in Mathematics. The 7th grade special education cohort outperformed the State by nearly 9% in English Language Arts and by more than 20% in Mathematics. Limited English Proficiency students outperformed the State by more than 20% in Mathematics and English Language Arts.
Grade 8 at NAMS 87% of students were either proficient or advanced proficient on the English Language Arts portion. Students with special needs outperformed the State and DFG by close to 30% in English Language Arts. Students with Limited English Proficiency outperformed the State and DFG by more than 40% in English Language Arts.
New Programs and Initiatives at NAMS Providing additional math and language arts instruction to our at-risk students. Students receive instruction on a rotating basis and it occurs during their cycle period. Writing teachers were added to each grade level team. There is common planning time for the language arts teachers on a daily basis. The Language Arts Curriculum has been revised to meet the Common Core Standards. Additional Advanced Math classes are being offered to Grade 7, which will lead to more students taking Algebra I in Grade 8.
Roosevelt School The entire 3rd grade class achieved either proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJSASK mathematics portion The 3rd grade class outperformed the State by more than 10% on the NJASK English Language Arts portion. The 3rd grade class outperformed their DFG (District Factor Group) by more than 22% in mathematics. Roosevelt students outperformed their DFG by more than 6% on the English Language Arts section.
Roosevelt School More than 96% of the 5th grade class achieved either proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK mathematics portion. More than 96% of the 5th grade class achieved either proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK English Language Arts portion. The 5th grade class outperformed the State and DFG by more than 33% in Language Arts and 15% in Mathematics.
Jefferson School 3rd Grade More than 80% of students achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK Mathematics portion. More than 78% of students achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK Language Arts section. Jefferson 3rd grade outperformed both the State and District Factor Group in both mathematics and English Language Arts.
Jefferson School 4th Grade More than 86% of students were either proficient or advanced proficient on the NJASK mathematics portion. More than 75% of students were proficient or advanced proficient on the NJASK English Language Arts portion. The 4th grade class outperformed the State by 15% in English Language Arts and 9% in Mathematics. Both 4th grade teachers achieved some of the highest SGP scores in the State.
Washington School 3rd Grade More than 83% of 3rd grade students achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK Mathematics portion. The 3rd grade class outperformed the State average by 4% in English Language Arts. The 3rd grade class outperformed the State by 7% in Mathematics
Washington School 4th Grade 82% of the 4th grade class achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK mathematics portion. The 4th grade class outperformed the State and DFG on the English Language Arts section. The 4th grade class outperformed the State and DFG by more than 5% in Mathematics
Washington School 5th Grade 90% of the 5th grade class achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the NJASK mathematics portion. The 5th grade class outperformed the State and DFG on the English Language Arts section. The 5th grade class exceeded the State average by more than 12% in Mathematics
What are we doing to ensure future success? What are we doing about it? Reading/Math – whole class and flexible grouping with differentiated instruction practices Reading/Math – Basic Skills Support Data Dialogue Meetings Vertical Articulation Meetings for targeted student growth Teacher created Student Growth Objectives Teacher’s College Benchmark Assessment as a diagnostic tool (administered 3X per year) Instruction aligned with Common Core State Standards Continue 90 - minute literacy block with emphasis on balance of fiction & non-fiction Raz Kids, Reading A-Z, Vocabulary A-Z ASSISTments IXL Professional Development PARCC Preparedness ELA & Math Common Core State Standards Grade Level Meetings Creating CCSS aligned assessments
North Arlington Elementary Schools Instructional Bottom Lines 2014-2015 Reader’s Workshop 5X’s per week with small group instruction Shared Reading Guided Reading/ Small Group Instruction Independent Reading Partner Reading Writer’s Workshop 5X’s per week Common Core Text Exemplars utilized Teacher as model for rich vocabulary daily Combination of fiction and nonfiction reading throughout year – increased emphasis on nonfiction to be prepared for PARCC Interdisciplinary work is routine practice – comparative analysis is a major focus
North Arlington Elementary Schools Instructional Bottom Lines 2014-2015 Reader’s Workshop 5X’s per week with small group instruction Shared Reading Guided Reading/ Small Group Instruction Independent Reading Partner Reading Writer’s Workshop 5X’s per week Common Core Text Exemplars utilized Teacher as model for rich vocabulary daily Combination of fiction and nonfiction reading throughout year – increased emphasis on nonfiction to be prepared for PARCC Interdisciplinary work is routine practice – comparative analysis is a major focus