An Informational Overview: Dual Language Two-Way Immersion Magnet School of Choice
2 Why Consider? District 11 has increased from 810 English Language Learners (ELL) in to 1858 ELL students in This is a 129% increase of ELL students in 4 years Of those 1858 ELL students, 76% are Spanish speakers
3 Definition A Dual Language Two-way Immersion Program integrates both English speakers and speakers of a minority Language (Spanish) with the goal of fluency in two languages for all students.
4 Colorado Examples In 2002, the National Study of School Effectiveness for Language Minority Students, selected five elementary schools from 107 Two- Way Immersion (TWI) schools, in six states. Of the five elementary schools, 3 were from Colorado: Harris Bilingual (Ft. Collins) Pioneer Bilingual (Lafayette) University Hills (Boulder)
5 Culture Dual Language Two-Way Immersion (TWI) Goal is for all students to become fluent in English and Spanish and to meet state standards Located in a middle to upper socio-economic area Magnet school of choice
6 Demographics 50% native-Spanish speaking students 50% native-English speaking students New students accepted after 2 nd grade only if balance can be maintained Fewer classes at intermediate level due to attrition
7 Program Serves both groups in equal numbers % Teachers are bilingual K- 2 nd 50% to 90% instruction in Spanish 3 rd -6 th 50% instruction in each language
8 Content 1 st - 3 rd : Literacy either taught in the native language or with sheltered instruction support 4 th - 6 th : Literacy taught primarily in English Spanish and English alternating by week for math, science, social studies District curriculum and textbooks
9 Strategies Sheltered Instruction teaching strategies (key concepts, vocabulary, pictures, manipulatives, objects, charts, graphs, discussions)
10 Timeline Considerations A professional study would need to be completed before actually considering and approving the concept of a Dual Language Two-way Immersion Magnet School of Choice At least 2 Years of designing, planning, preparing, training, and recruiting A possible third year opening of a Dual Language Two-way Immersion Magnet School of Choice
11 Timeline Considerations (cont.) Before anything is done, the BOE should consider all associated costs and ramifications, and review with district administration staff District and BOE should visit similar schools A detailed timeline and budget should be developed An appropriate school site should be studied and selected
12 Timeline Considerations (cont.) Ongoing staff/parent/community meetings Principal selection Hire additional secretary and a community liaison Identify/recruit bilingual staff Bilingual classes for existing staff Staff visit similar schools
13 Timeline Considerations (cont.) Develop schedules and procedures Select/purchase bilingual textbooks Staff development in sheltered instruction Create bilingual language assessments
14 Benefits Bilingual language proficiency Modest academic achievement gains in reading and math (50-75% students proficient after 4 to 6 years) Positive impact on cross cultural attitudes
15 Challenges Recruitment of bilingual teachers Costs for materials in two languages Balance of students Attrition in upper grades, if a limited number students are admitted after 2 nd grade
16 Challenges (cont.) No follow up program in middle school Additional budget costs Research shows only 50-75% students proficient in Dual Language Two-Way Immersion Schools after 4 to 6 years