Regional School District # Proposed Budget 1 March 5, 2012
Mission Statement 2 The Mission Statement of the Regional School District #14 reads: We, the educational community of the Region 14 School District, are dedicated to creating a quality, dynamic learning environment so that each individual learner becomes a respected contributing member of the community with values, skills and resources that promote the advancement of society.
District Goals Regional School District 14 will provide a culture of academic excellence through leadership and adherence to systemic, cohesive Pre-K – 12 curriculum and instruction. Specifically, Regional School District 14 leaders and teachers will develop and implement a coherent approach to improving writing skills across the district. 3
Budget Objectives Enhance the instructional program in our schools in a cost- effective manner based on instructional best practices and research: Reduce fixed costs by continuing to apply rigorous bidding and contractual negotiations practices; Provide oversight and support in the areas of PreK – 12 curriculum and instruction, professional development and student assessment; Enhance instructional supports to meet all State and Federal mandates and initiatives, including SRBI, Common Core State Standards, Secondary School Reform, CAPSS Education Transformation Project and NEASC; Provide the resources necessary to ensure our school facilities are safe, clean and reflect the community’s pride in our schools. 4
Budget Guidelines To maintain reasonable class sizes To continue to provide all Region 14 students with a high quality education To continue to provide support for teachers as well as instructional resources for enhanced teaching and learning To continue to be as efficient as possible, through creative uses of resources, redeployment of staff, and reductions in certain areas. To understand and be sensitive to the community’s inability to absorb significant tax increases. 5
Budget Guidelines (cont.) To comply with federal and state education mandates To maintain a safe, clean learning environment for all staff and students To maintain fiscal responsibility by ensuring adequate funding for healthcare, utilities and pension liabilities To maintain fiscal responsibility by examining current staffing, programs and enrollment, identifying cost avoidance measures, seeking efficiencies and analyzing historical budget data. 6
Budget Challenges Increasing health insurance costs Unsettled employment contracts Current Economic Conditions Decreasing State support Taxpayer’s willingness/ability to pay Town Demographic changes Continuing and New Unfunded Mandates Avoiding, as much as possible, direct impact to students’ programs and services 7
Budget Assumptions Reduced State support Limited and/or no growth in Grand Lists No increase in interest rates Pension rate increases Enrollment decreases No increase in Federal support 8
Enrollment History
Prowda CurrentProjectedVarianceProjection EnrollmentBirthsEnrollmentBirthsNov-07 for /1/11 Kindergarten Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Total MES/BES Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Total WMS Ninth Grade Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Twelfth grade Total NHS Grand Total1,7931,7351, , Outgoing 12 grade147 Incoming Kindergarten103Difference-44 #s Above do not include tuition out/in students Special Ed students29 Total1,7641,702 Ag-Science Total1,9721,914 Projected Enrollment
BES Enrollment Projected Class Sizes 2011/12 (as of October 1 st ) 2012/13 PROJECTED Enrollment # of Sections Avg. Class SizeEnrollment # of Sections Avg. Class Size K K
MES Enrollment Projected Class Sizes 2011/12 (as of October 1 st ) 2012/13 PROJECTED Enrollment # of Sections Avg. Class SizeEnrollment # of Sections Avg. Class Size K K
WMS Current and Projected Enrollment Grade Enrollment (as of October 1 st ) Projected Enrollment Total421416
NHS Current and Projected Enrollment Grade Enrollment (as of October 1 st ) Projected Enrollment Total601583
Students Receiving Special Education Services Actual Projected Count of school-age students 5-21 years In district operated programs In other public school district programs 4 4 Private schools Total Other district contracted special education students: 4 4
PROPOSED BUDGET $31,329,022 Increase of $1,082,993 Or 3.58% 16
PROPOSED BUDGET – 2012$30,246, – 2013$31,329,022 Variance$1,082, % (Approved for %) (Approved for %) (Approved for %) (Approved for %)
18 Budget Components
Budget Components (cont.)
Expenditure Summary
Reductions from 1 st Budget Draft Building Improvements $387,000 Textbooks$ 35,095 Fuel Oil$ 42,999 Technology Equipment$253,942 New Staff Requests $197,394 Current Staff & Stipends$264,000 Transportation (Athletics)$ 15,725 PD/Curriculum Development$ 41,200 Furniture$ 10,000 Projected Cost of Health Insurance$ 70,000 Purchased Services$ 21,600 Total $1,338,955
Footer note22 Financial Considerations 1% Budget Increase - $302,460 (To achieve a 1% budget reduction, we would have to remove $302,460 from the proposed budget)
Revenue by Source
Budget Distribution by Town
Budget Effect on Mill Rate
Budget Statistics Proposed Budget $31,246,029 Budget-to-budget $ increase $1,082,993 Budget-to-budget % increase 3.58% Net Cost to Towns $28,913,270 Net Cost to Towns increase 5.71% Mill Rate-Woodbury $23.62 % increase over % Mill Rate-Bethlehem $21.02 % increase over % 26
Budget History Budget% Increase $27,674, % $28,950, % $29,498, % $29,755, % $29,723, % $30,246, % Proposed $31,329, % 27
KEY BUDGET DATES March 5 Supt. Proposed Budget March 14Budget Workshop – 6:00 p.m. (if necessary) March 19BOE Approval of Initial Budget March 26Budget Presentation to Town Boards of Finance and Selectmen – 6:00 p.m. April 2Public Hearing – 7:30 p.m. April 21Community/BOE Budget Discussion May 7 Budget Meeting May 8Budget Vote