Freeman Elementary I can! I will! I do! IIII can… be successful today. IIII will… overcome the challenges I face today. I I I I do… accept responsibility for myself today.
Reviewing Our Commitment Haysville USD261 Motto: Caring, effective learning for all. Mission Statement: The mission of the Haysville Public Schools, through professional learning communities, is to provide effective instruction so all students learn and achieve to high levels Freeman Mission Statement (pending boe approval) At Freeman Elementary, our commitment is to empower individuals to be successful through high expectations in a place of pride where achievement is inspired by caring, effective instruction and respect.
Passing the Freeman Torch New Staff (FY07): Ten new certified staff including one new principal and one new counselor Four second-year certified teachers One new secretary Three new paraeducators Total: 1/3 staff turnover
Freeman Enrollment Freeman Capacity = % Capacity =
Freeman Socio-Economic Status
Student Diversity ELL population
Attendance Rate
Reading All Students
Reading-By Grade Level Proficient and above Spring
Plan of Action Decreased student teacher ratio by adding a third 4 th grade section Cross-grade levelized reading groups for third, fourth, and fifth grades. Staff Development –Literacy Groups –Literacy Centers Progress thus far: 38% at high risk, now 21% (DIBELS)
Math All Students-FES
Math By Grade Level Proficient and above Spring
Special Ed All Grades Proficient and Above
Freeman Concept Map Goal: Student Achievement Four Areas: Relationships Curriculum and Instruction Curriculum and Instruction Environment Environment Support Services Support Services Freeman’s Vision: School Climate
SIP Target Areas: Reading, Math, Writing Strategies: SQ3R, Graphic Organizers, Reading Comprehension Strategies, Four- Step Problem Solving, Six-Trait Writing, The Writing Process, Four Block Writing Review staff needs: Training and materials
PBIS Directly teaching and reteaching expected behaviors Recognizing students for exhibiting positive behaviors Reward system, weekly drawings, semester store. Development of building wide discipline policy: expected procedures to meet the needs of all students Ten more ODRs at semester FY07, compared to this time last year.
Wellness Committee Mileage club at recess Healthy snacks Proactive Food Service Department Newsletters, practical information for parents
Programs TAPS –Test prep strategies –Reading from context of computer Student Leadership Group Parent Teacher Organization Title I Reading and Math Communities in Schools
Keeping our eye on the prize… Making certain the work we do is aligned with our desired outcomes. Working smarter, not harder