January – May 2013 Existing Curriculum and Space Needs Summary Facilities staff meets individually with all school principals, as well as Academics and Accountability (Curriculum and CTAE), Special Education, and Instructional Technology (Curriculum Support and Media Centers) staff: Verify curriculum programs/grade level meet the current and projected enrollment for each school. Match existing Instructional Units (IU) to meet the curriculum and grade level per published requirements Identify any deficiency with space assignment or quantity of IU’s to meet the future enrollment. Identify any additional IU’s or space modifications to address new curriculum programs. Revised Timeline
January – May 2013 (cont.) Perform Physical Assessment of Facilities Identify and assess Life Cycle items Examples: plumbing, HVAC, carpentry and electrical Evaluate the building and site conditions for renovations Receive Stakeholder Input on Facilities Plan LSC, online and Superintendent Advisory meetings June – August 2013 Distribute Projected Enrollment and Review Capital Outlay Needs June 12:District Facilities Plan Committee meets to discuss and determine recommendations for BOE August 8: Present Committee notes to BOE, discussion
Revised Timeline September – December 2013 Sept. 12: BOE discusses June Committee notes Oct. 7: District Committee meets to discuss and determine final recommendations for BOE Oct. 10: Present recommended Facilities Plan to BOE, discussion Nov. 14: BOE discusses recommended Facilities Plan Nov. 21: BOE approves Facilities Plan December:Outside Survey Team reviews Facilities Plan/Deliver final plan to GA DOE Spring Facilities Plan Approved by GA DOE July 1, Facilities Plan Goes Into Effect
Committee Recommendations
Previous Enrollment Trends
Enrollment Trends Update
Proposed Organization: Elementary Schools
Elementary #14: Project Summary
Proposed Organization: Middle Schools
Proposed Organization: High Schools
Explanation & Justification for Proposed Organization
Tabulation of Priorities
2014 Bond Referendum