New Hanover County Schools Advisory Council for Exceptional Students (ACES) A.C.E.S.


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Presentation transcript:

New Hanover County Schools Advisory Council for Exceptional Students (ACES) A.C.E.S.

History &Purpose Advisory councils at the State level are mandated by various federal and state legislation to insure that the persons being served are adequately represented. The State Board resolution states that the responsibilities of these councils are:  To study the school offerings in-depth to determine how well schools are serving children with special needs  To make recommendations for improvement to local board of education  To serve as an avenue of public sentiment for improvement In keeping with this resolution and the intended purpose for local advisory councils, the purpose of this council is to assist in improving the quality of education for children with special needs in the New Hanover County School system.

Membership The membership of the Council is comprised of people, appointed for two-year terms. They are selected by the Membership Committee and recommended to the Superintendent no later than July 1 of each year. The members are appointed by the Superintendent subject to the approval of the Board of Education. A member may serve no more than two consecutive two-year terms Membership Profile :  29% - African-American  10% - Individuals with disabilities  33% - Parents of students with disabilities  24% - Male  29%- Community service agency representatives The Special Education Executive Director, school board members and other central office staff members are ex-officio members of the Council. Members should represent a broad range of interests in children with special needs. At least one third of the membership should be parents of children with special needs.

Meetings Meetings are typically :  Scheduled for the 3 rd Friday of each month and are open to the public.  Held at a school site or partnering agency/educational facility in New Hanover County.  Posted on the NHCS ACES webpage, on the ACES Facebook page and in the ACES brochure (found online and in schools). Meeting agendas include items such as: school site presentation/tour, Director’s Report on high-interest special education topics, committee work sessions, special guest speakers.

ACES Initiatives  ACES Parent Survey on needs, school site programming and IEP services in NHCS.  NHCS Advisory Council for Exceptional Students Annual Appreciation Tea.  ACES Facebook page to disseminate information to stakeholders.  Partnering with agencies for parent and professional training opportunities (FSN-Parent/Professional Collaboration at Coming Together & Coastal Horizons-NHCS staff training for Sexual Violence Prevention for Individuals with Disabilities.  New ACES brochure, letterhead, logo, and user-friendly website.  Ongoing communication and correspondence to/with the Board of Education and Superintendent (letters, meetings, School Board Member is ACES ex-officio member).  Annual Report to the Superintendent and BOE with recommendations.  Parent Forums (Inaugural Forums: November 2014 and March 2015).

NHCS ACES Annual Report  ACES RECOMMENDATIONS to the BOE Based on Findings. : 1. Share and highly encourage/reward the use of proven NHCS best practice initiatives to improve consistency of special education service delivery from school to school. 2. Develop and use consistent model for RtI and IEP services across schools. 3. Embed the need for fidelity in the delivery of special education services. 4. Work with general educators, specifically in secondary sites, to develop greater understanding of the needs of students with disabilities. Encourage site- based scheduling that does not overwhelm general educators who work well with students with disabilities. Determine and implement research-based ratio for teacher: class size: number of students with disabilities.

NHCS ACES Annual Report, cont.  RECOMMENDATIONS: 5. Encourage site-based classroom/space allocation decision-making to consider student/teacher comfort, noise levels, extra space needed for assistive technology, medical equipment, etc. not just based on the number of students using the space in a school day. 6. Actively educate and recruit families of students at-risk and/or receiving special education services to apply for year-round schools. 7. Offer IEP and parent advocacy training at each school annually or bi- annually or at the district level quarterly. 8. Continue partnership with Family Support Network in hosting the annual “Coming Together Conference”; increase publicity for event using school system and community media outlets. 9. Continue hosting NHCS Transition Conference for parents/students with disabilities.

Standing Committees  Membership  Awareness  Appreciation  Service  Report

Find Us On…  Twitter  Facebook  NHCS Webpage  Brochures (Ask for one at any NHCS school).  Join us at a monthly meeting…

Next ACES Meeting Director’s Report: “2014 NHCS Bond Referendum for Education- Impact on Special Education” Presenter: Dr. Markley, Superintendent Site Visit & Meeting Location: Hoggard High School Friday, September 19, :00 am-11:00 am