Innovative and Pragmatic eHealth Solutions at Work InSTEDD’s Work in the Mekong Region May 20, 2011
Who are we? Non-profit based in Silicon Valley, USA Works globally Innovation Lab in Phnom Penh working in six countries: Burma, Cambodia, China, Lao, Thailand and Vietnam. Funded by and others
Guiding Principles Vision: We envision a world where communities everywhere design and use technology to continuously improve their health, safety and development. Mission: Our mission is to improve global health, safety and sustainable development through: Building Capacity within communities to foster a local culture of innovation Creating Collaboration Technologies for social good Collaborating with End Users through a bottom up design and development process Ensuring Usefulness and Impact through research and evaluation
Guiding Principles Value: Social Responsibility: Progress can be made in reducing human suffering, death, and disease on a local and global level. We believe we have a responsibility to use all our skills, knowledge and experience to make a positive impact on global health and safety. Collaboration: Collaboration is a driving force in overcoming silos and divisions, allowing different communities and sectors to work together effectively to achieve common goals. We shape our programs and technologies to support and enhance local and global collaboration aimed at achieving meaningful social impact. Agility: We believe the most effective programs and technologies are flexible and iterative and are built on joint participation of the communities they are meant to serve. We work in incremental and adaptive steps, side by side with our stakeholders and beneficiaries, to jointly design programs and technologies that have measurable impact.
InSTEDD Innovation Labs Sustainable Local Innovation - ICT for Social Goals - Local Capacity Building - Contracted for ICT Projects and product development Khmer staff – - Product Management and field support - Engineering - Program Management
GeoChat Dynamic Resource Mapping Verboice Example Collaboration Tools
GeoChat – Mobile collaboration tools Realtime Chats Reports of structured and unstructured data Alerts Works on any phone with low signal See your team on a map Interact over , SMS, twitter, GTalk,
About GeoChat Message can be sent from SMS, or GeoChat website Works even without internet Can work with basic mobile phone Sender spend only one SMS cost at most Work from any location with mobile phone signals
GeoChat-View on the map
Reporting Wheel Simple and accurate data reporting for community workers Simplifies data reporting for those with literacy challenges Code base reporting work with SMS or IVR (Interactive Voice Respond)
Reporting Wheel
Dynamic Resource Mapping Visualize your inventory/resource of each site on the map Real time update information from the fiend via SMS Query your inventory/resource via SMS Public or Private group view of available resources on map. Help designing and building what you need
Dynamic Resource Mapping
Real time SMS update from the field
Example Ongoing Projects GeoChat – Bureau of Epidemiology, MoPH, Thailand ILI hospital surveillance system – Mukdahan Provincial Health Department, Thailand Notifiable diseases report (wheel and GeoChat) Outbreak response – HIV/AIDS appointment reminder system – National gateway setup – Rapid Response Team Disease Surveillance
BOE Computer Analysis of ILI Reports GeoChat Thai BOE ILI Hospital Surveillance: Using GeoChat for SMS Reminders & Alerting 976 Hospital s: Sends BOE Weekly Reports on ILI from computer/web SMS Monday Reminder: Send ILI Report SMS Tuesday 2 nd Reminder: Send ILI Report Weekly Reports PHDPHD GREEN ALERT– NO OUTBREAK (hospital) BLACK ALERT – OUTBREAK (hospital, PHD, MOH) RED ALERT – POSSIBLE OUTBREAK (hospital, PHD) MOHMOH PHDPHD REMINDERS ALERTS GeoChat
Alerts sent out by GeoChat Overall 2000 messages were send out for inform the ILI situation to the hospitals as well as related people for example the executive and decision makers in the areas.
Disease Reporting Subdistrict-District -Province From Subdistrict 1 “ili 3 cases” From Subdistrict 1 “ili 3 cases” From Subdistrict 2 “ili 2 cases” From Subdistrict 2 “ili 2 cases” Subdistrict District Province From District 6 “ili 27 cases total” From District 6 “ili 27 cases total” Case report 11 notifiable diseases 142 users
Dengue out break response in Mukdahan GeoChat report of Dengue case First case reported by GeoChat in Dec 2009
Appointment Reminder System NCHADS
About Appointment Reminder System Extension to the existing NCHADS OI/ARV Database System Aim to reduce the lost of follow up patient Alert Home Base Care of up coming patient appointments Home Base Care can send the appointment confirmation back to the system
GeoChat Deployment in KH-CDC Cambodia - Connect Rapid Respond Team leaders of from all provinces with National Level (Cambodia CDC) - Alert channel from National level to update outbreak info from the region and in the country - New guideline update information
Highlight of GeoChat experience Using Phone Operator CSR to contribute to provide free or low cost – Thailand – DTAC – Cambodia – SMART, CamGSM Early detection Early warning 70% of users suggested GeoChat supports better for infectious disease detection
Dynamic Resource Mapping Children immunization program in China – Myanmar border Tracking malaria medicine stock from Health Facility in Cambodia Mapping malaria patient test information and tracking RDT and ART stock from rural village in Laos