Policy 6460 Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources Regulation 6460 R-Staff Use of Computerized Information Resources Regulation 6460 R.2 Staff Use of Personal/Mobile Technology STAFF USE OF COMPUTERIZED RESOURCES
USE OF DISTRICT COMPUTER SYSTEM (DCS) Staff agrees in writing to conform to the requirements of the policy. Please be sure you sign the form.
PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION STANDARD Standards and expectations of professionalism and conduct apply to use of D istrict C omputer System (DCS) as well as all other aspects of employment. Staff will also adhere laws including but not limited to: Copyrights Software licenses Privacy Protection Unacceptable use may lead to discipline and/or loss of access to DCS and/or legal action
PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION STANDARD BOE recognizes the value of new technology tools that enhance student learning Use of District-approved Social Networking Sites (SNS) for educational use is encouraged. Password protected and/or approved for educational use.
PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION STANDARD Use of SNS on District Equipment/Time: 1.Official District Use 2.Professional/Instructional Use 3.Personal Use (allowed on a limited basis) Whether on a District-owned or personal device: “ when communicating in your professional capacity as an educator-maintain the highest level of professionalism”
Sending/ displaying offensive messages or pictures Using obscene language Harassing, insulting or attacking others Damaging computers, systems or networks Downloading or installing unapproved software or hardware Violating copyright/ licensed rights of others Using another user’s password Encrypting/password protecting material on the system Possessing programs used for hacking or stealing passwords Trespassing in another user’s folders, work or files Intentionally wasting limited resources Employing the network for non-school related, commercial or other private purposes Use of an account by anyone other than the account holder Requesting unnecessary/ lengthy material that ties up system resources PROHIBITIONS
STAFF USE OF PERSONAL/MOBILE TECHNOLOGY 6460 R.2 Access to Confidential Data Is a privilege. Safeguarding confidential data is taken very seriously by the BOE. Employment does not automatically guarantee initial or ongoing ability to use mobile/personal devices to access DCS. Staff will not leave unattended any device with visible confidential information.
WHAT IS CONFIDENTIAL/PRIVATE INFORMATION? 6460 R.2 Includes but is not limited to: Protected Student Records Employee personal identifying information District Assessment Data
ACCESS TO CONFIDENTIAL DATA Confidential/private information shall only be loaded, stored and transferred to District-owned devices that are password protected. This includes all devices including flash drives. Staff will not use cloud–based storage services or to transfer confidential files in order to work at home or another location. Staff data files, and storage are District property subject to control and inspection.
PERSONALLY OWNED DEVICES Allowed to connect to Public network No cost to District Not insured by District District not responsible for maintenance, loss or damage Subject to review by DOT Could be subject to FOIL All security protocols are observed Use is not to interfere with duties
DISTRICT-ISSUED DEVICES Mobile Devices: Subject to audit and inventory Must be able to produce upon request Loss reported immediately to District official Theft reported immediately to Law enforcement and Supervisor Flash Drives: Must be provided by District and encrypted IF REQUIRED for job responsibilities Must be password protected or encrypted Personally-owned flash drives prohibited when conducting confidential business
WIRELESS DEVICES ON DISTRICT PREMISES 1.Access to the “Public” wireless network only, unless approved by Sup’t. 2.NOT to be used as a “Hot Spot” 3.Access to wireless network is a Privilege not a Right. 4.District reserves the right to: 1.Make determinations if specific uses of the personal devices are consistent with the AUP 2.Log network use and storage space 3.Remove or restrict users right to use personal devices in the District