1 MQA Feedback Report Update Board of Education February 19, 2015 Building learners of tomorrow…
2 CSIP Process Cycle
3 Quality Continuous Improvement Framework
4 Provides our school district with customized and authentic actionable feedback to support our delivery of our Core Competency… The systematic continuous improvement of teaching and learning. Why MQA?
5 MQA Process Timeline… December, 2013Application Writing Workshop January, 2014Category Teams - Orientation February, 2014Category Teams – Storybook Writing March-April, 2014Application Writing and Submission May-June, 2014Independent Review July, 2014Examiner Team Consensus August, 2014MQA Judges Review – Confirm Site Visits September 29-October 3, 2014Site Visit October, 2014Judges Review November, 2014Feedback Report January, 2015Review of Feedback Report, Begin New Writing Cycle
6 – Approach, Deployment, Learning, and Integration (ADLI) o How effective is the approach? o How well is it deployed? o How has it been improved? o How is it integrated with other things we do? o Levels, Trends, Comparisons, Integration (LeTCI) o Do we have levels of performance? (Levels) o Do the levels show improvement over time? (Trends) o How do our levels compare to other organizations? (Comparisons) o Are levels segmented, and do they tie to our key measures? (Integration) What were the examiners looking for?
7 Strengths or Outstanding Practices: – Visionary Leadership: “…senior leaders demonstrate the core value of Visionary Leadership by setting strong vision and values and by serving as role models through their personal involvement in creating processes, providing a supportive environment, and embracing meaningful change….” – Valuing the Workforce: “Valuing the workforce means valuing the people in your workforce by committing to their engagement, satisfaction, development and well- being….” PC R-3’s Key Themes
8 Strengths or Outstanding Practices (cont’d): – Focus on the Future: “PCSD strongly embodies the Baldrige Education Core Value of Focus on the Future with the creation of the Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan (CSIP) and multiple approaches throughout the organization to align all stakeholders with the Vision, Mission, and Values….” – Levels (Results): “[PCSD’s] values of Student-focused and Visionary Leadership are supported by the organization’s results particularly in customer-focus, leadership, and governance….” PC R-3’s Key Themes (2)
9 Opportunities, Concerns or Vulnerabilities: – Student-Centered Excellence: “Student-Centered Excellence is a strategic concept directed toward student and other customer retention, demanding constant sensitivity to the changing and emerging customer requirements toward the factors that drive engagement, and requiring close attention to voice of the customer….” – Organizational Learning: “Achieving the highest levels of organizational performance requires a well-executed approach to organizational learning that includes sharing knowledge through systematic processes….” – Trends and Comparisons (Results): “….[PCSD] demonstrates adverse or mixed trends for some results of workforce-, student- and customer focused processes. Additionally, limited trends are presented for other measures including process management results….” PC R-3’s Key Themes (3)
10 Clearer and simpler definitions of vocabulary – Senior Leaders, key/supporting (rather than core/enabling), team/task-force Simplification of process development and deployment process Simplification of the “Leadership Web” Revision of our “Work Systems” Improved Scorecard development, and deployment of dashboards and Balanced Scorecard Use of objective processes and tools in decision-making Increased use of hard measures, less use of soft- or perception measures. Implementation of 30-, 60-, and/or 90-day action plans Improved communication processes to partners and suppliers Measurement of student and workforce engagement beyond soft- or perception measures. Increase connection of workforce to framework to highlight student-focus. Other Opportunities for Improvement
11 Engage Admin Council in a process to: Enhance Teaching and Learning relative to QCI Facilitate improvement in all facets of the organization relative to the assigned category. Support the writing of the MQA Application Improvements to Strategic Planning Process and Action Planning Next Steps