Mecklenburg County Domestic Violence Advisory Board 2012 Annual Report
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board Charge: Review and evaluate Mecklenburg County and Charlotte domestic violence services and make appropriate recommendations to the BOCC and Charlotte City Council on the need for additional services to victims of domestic violence.
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov 3 Domestic Violence Advisory Board 2012 Accomplishments Supervised visit custody exchange program Recommendations 2011 DV Fatality Review CPS workers supported by DV CSS/WOC liaisons Capacity of battered women’s shelter now 80
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board 2012 Accomplishments DVAB presented to CMS BOE in January 2013 Evidence Based Lethality Assessment by CMPD eNOugh Domestic Violence campaign
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board Concerns: Domestic Violence Crimes 7 DV Homicides Domestic 911 calls up DV arrests by CMPD up Protection orders percent served down
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board Concerns: Child Victim Services Community Policing Program (CD-CP)-% DV increasing yearly DSS/CPS - DV increased as primary cause child maltreatment CMS need to track dating violence
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board Adult Victim Services Legal Services Adult DV Counseling by CSS/WOC Safe Alliance The Clyde and Ethel Dickson Shelter
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board Abuser Intervention NOVA IMPACT
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Board Domestic Violence Advisory Board Community Resources Domestic Violence Speakers' Bureau Domestic Violence Advocacy Council Programs focusing on Men Faith-Based Ministries/Collaborative Events
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Domestic Violence Advisory Board Recommendations 1.Continue to identify Domestic Violence (DV) as a priority safety and health issue on the Mecklenburg County Balanced Scorecard. 2.Continue to support annual update of DV Warehouse 3. Continue to financially support the Safe Alliance Clyde and Ethel Dickson’s Domestic Violence Shelter
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Recommendations 4. Support continuation of lethality assessment by police to determine predominant aggressor and referrals to DV services. 5. Utilize media technology to support access to a Magistrate in North Mecklenburg 6. Expand CD/CP response program to child witnesses of trauma to all CMPD divisions 7. Implement all Fatality Review Team recommendations.
MecklenburgCountyNC.Gov Thank You for Making Our Community Safer