Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 1 Workshop on Statistical Organization and Management for SADC Member States Luanda, 2-6 December by Awa Thiongane UNECA/ACS
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 2 Background Statistics Division Establishment of the UNFPA CSTs 1996 Reform Merging of Statistics Division with PADIS, Cartography Section and Library => Development Information Services Division (DISD) Flat structure => Statistics Team within DISD Reduction of statistical activities 2002 Adjustment of the ECA Organizational Chart Statistics Team within Economic and Social Policy Division (ESPD) Posting of statisticians to SROs Reduction of the number of professionals at ECA HQs Drastic reduction of statistical activities
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 3 Background 2006 Reform Better Serve Africa Principles: Principles: Consultation, Collaborative Approach, Consultation, Collaborative Approach, Transparency, Transparency, Effectiveness Effectiveness Impact Impact Supporting the AU Action plan A new institutional landscape Establishment of the African Centre for Statistics (ACS) - at divisional level – Again hierarchical structure (sections) A new Business Plan (2007 – 2009)
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 4 ACS: Objective - Expectations Objectives To improve the production, dissemination and use of key demographic, social, economic and environmental statistics, incl. the MDG indicators, in accordance with internationally agreed standards and good practices, as well as To promote the implementation of the RRSF Expectations Enhanced statistical capacities of member States to improve economic management and tracking progress towards the achievement of nationally and internationally agreed development goals Enhanced capacity for the collection of gender disaggregated and gender-responsive statistics in socio- economic groups
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 5 Activities Seminars and workshops: Workshops on: censuses planning and enumeration for the 2010 RPHC for English and French speaking countries (starting in 2008); census data processing, analysis and dissemination for English and French speaking countries for the 2010 RPHC; Seminar on statistical training for curricula harmonization and development Fellowships and grants: two fellowships to enhance capacity household surveys and censuses.
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 6 Activities Advisory services: Advisory services to assist member States and RECs in various areas of statistics, including: Database management, Census planning, enumeration, analysis and dissemination, Household survey methodologies, Implementation of the 1993 SNA
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 7 Bodies Advisory Board on Statistics in Africa (ABSA) Committee on Development Information (CODI – 2001 – 2003 – 2005 – 2007 – Last meeting on April 2007) Committee on Statistics (StatCom-Africa - (first meeting in 2008) Conference of Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 8 Special events: Celebration of the African Statistics Day - ASD (yearly since 1993); Meeting of the Forum on African Statistical Development (FASDEV) (established in 2004 by primary sponsors – ECA, ADB, PARIS21, World Bank- and several other development partners); African Symposium for Statistical Development (ASSD) (a country-led initiative launched in 2005 by South Africa, in accordance with a resolution of Yaoundé meeting on financing the PHCs - yearly called upon)
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 9 Development Account – Gender statistics Strengthening African Statistical Systems to Generate Gender Disaggregated Data to Support Policies to Promote Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women = Gender Statistics - To be implemented jointly by the African Centre for Gender and Social Development (ACGSD) and the African Centre for Statistics (ACS) -
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 10 Activities 1. Mainstreaming gender into the 2010 PHC A1.1:Expert Group Meeting Target audience: Directors and Senior Statisticians Objective: To discuss how countries will adopt the Principles and Recommendations on the 2010 Round of Population and Housing Censuses (P&R) from a gender perspective Date and Venue: January 2007 in Kigali, Rwanda
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 11 Activities 1. Promoting Guidelines on GDD in Agriculture and Trade A2.1:Development of methodologies Target audience: Survey statisticians, gender specialists, academics, etc. Objective: Develop Methodologies for engendering census and survey instruments in two pilots sectors – agriculture and trade. Date and Venue: February – March 2007 – Venue to be determined
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 12 Activities 2.Promoting Guidelines on GDD in Agriculture and Trade A2.2:Two expert group meetings Target audience: Survey statisticians, gender specialists, academics, etc. Objective: To share, discuss and validate the methodologies designed. Date and Venue: May Venue to be determined
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 13 Activities 3.Promoting Guidelines on GDD in Agriculture and Trade A3:Five workshops – one in each sub-regions Target audience: Survey statisticians, gender specialists, academics, etc. Objective: To disseminate methodologies for the development of GDD Date and Venue: September to October Venue to be determined
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 14 Activities 4.Enhanced exchange of best-practices on GDD compilation A4:Establishment of a Gender Statistics Network Target audience: Statisticians and gender specialists from line ministries and research centres, universities and NGOs. Objective: To share information, peer learn and begin with best practices on improving gender indicators Date : November 2007
Statistical Databases: A short review Slide: 15 Thank you