Crucible Act I
In an autocratic system of government, the people have little or no power. What does autocratic mean? How do you know? Autocratic: adj. dictatorial
A faction on the student council is unhappy with the class president. What does faction mean? How do you know? Faction: n party or interest group
The flag flew at half mast in homage to a local firefighter who died recently. What does homage mean? How do you know? Homage: n. respectful attention
If you say one thing and do another, you may be guilty of hypocrisy. What does hypocrisy mean? How do you know? Hypocrisy: n. pretending to believe something you do not.
Philosophers think that every paradox is an illusion. What does paradox mean? How do you know? Paradox: apparent contradiction
Joe’s somber expression as he entered was a clue that he had bad news. What does somber mean? How do you know? Somber: adj. Serious; solemn
The court punished the criminal’s villainous behavior What does villainous mean? How do you know? Villainous: adj. evil
Glenda felt vindictive and decided to get revenge on her tattle- tale brother. What does vindictive mean? How do you know? Vindictive: adj. vengeful
For some years after the revolution, that country was in a state of anarchy. What does anarchy mean? How do you know? anarchy: n. state of chaos
Terence blatantly crossed the street against the right. What does blatantly mean? How do you know? Blatantly: adv. Very openly, brazenly
The star sued the tabloid publication for defamation when it published a scandalous story. What does defamation mean? How do you know? Defamation: n. slander
If a tornado is forecast, we will have to take drastic action. What does drastic mean? How do you know? Drastic: adj. severe, harsh, extreme
Some people who have lived all their lives in small towns have a parochial outlook. What does parochial mean? How do you know? Parochial: adj. narrow-minded
Sandra is never unconventional and always behaves with complete propriety. What does propriety mean? How do you know? Propriety: n. conformity with what is proper or fitting
Study hard, because if you get a low grade on the test it will surely rankle. What does rankle mean? How do you know? Rankle: v. to irritate or to anger
The children became involved in a foolish squabble over some glass marbles. What does squabble mean? How do you know? Squabble: n. small quarrell
This predilection for minding other people’s business was time- honored among the people of Salem. Predilection: n. preexisting preference
The girl was ingratiating to the clique just to try to be a part of it. Ingratiating: adj. charming, flattering
Her ability of dissembling made the police officers skip questioning her. Dissembling: n. concealment of one’s real nature or motives.
It’s amazing TMZ doesn’t have more court cases accusing them of calumny calumny: n. false accusations; slander
The inculcation of the vocabulary words over and over again helped me to do well on the test. Inculcation: n. teaching by repetition and urging
The propitiation of swaddling a baby will help it fall asleep. Propitiation: n. action designed to soothe (usually in religious areas)
She tried to evade questioning by hiding swimming across the channel. Evade: v to avoid or escape by deceit and cleverness.