MOOCs - an Introduction Don Allen Department of Mathematics Texas A&M University
Be Open-minded As the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer, in his Reflections on the Human Condition (1973) tells us, “In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.”
Today’s Topics Introduction to the MOOC’s world Technologies, they are a-changin’ MOOC’s and their impossible problems MOOC’s ingredients kit Videos Using Moodle
MOOC’s What? How? When? Construction? Analysis? Improvement? Complexity?
The Big Guns EdX Coursera Udemy
The Big Guns
What do People Want in their MOOC? Credit Information Life-long learning A college degree
What do your students want in their MOOC? Credit Information Life-long learning A college degree
Drop Out When no credit is involved, and the course is free* the drop out can be very high - 90%. When certificates of completion and a smallish-fee is charge, the drop out rate diminished.
MOOC and Friends MOOC – massive, open, online course SMOC – (smock) synchronous, open, online course COOC - classically offered online classes MOOT – massive, open, online, test: ACT/SAT, PSAT, Placement Exams, GRE, EOC exams POOC – Publisher’s open online course Pro’s and Con’s?
Minimal MOOCs – soft subjects Videos – usually of PowerPoints Readings/References, incl software requirements Homework Assignments Help link Upload homework links Exams
MOOCs – for math Math Text Videos, sometimes of PowerPoints, but Khan Academy style also Practice problems (with videos) Worked Problems (with videos) Online homework/Exams* Gaming References Help links (live or ) Facebook, (for students) Messaging * Don’t forget proctoring
The MOOC Platform Scalable, cloud-based platform Robust mobile, synchronous and social learning components that allow you to offer a rich, active learning experience Flexible and integrated tools to meet your specific needs including a wide variety of pedagogical methods Utilizable learning analytics – even automatic analytics