Ch. 22 Sec 5 China
Political Background China has been a country for over 5,000 years. Communist have been in charge for only over 50 years. Nationalist lead by Chang Kai-shek (US). Communist lead by Mao Zedong. Communist forces won, Nationalist fled to Taiwan. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA was formed 1949.
Under Mao Mao wanted to change China in the areas of agriculture and industry. Initiated a series of 5 year plans. Drastic changes in policy and usually didn’t work well. In 1966, Cultural Revolution began. Wanted to update China from old ways. Red Guard attacked teachers, intellectuals, artist, anyone who didn’t have the revolutionary fever. Sent to re-education camps.
Reform and Repression After Mao death economic controls loosened. No political dissent was allowed. May 1989, workers occupied Tiananmen Square. Wanted changes in government. Tanks and troops rolled in and thousands were killed or injured. Hurt world opinion of china.
China Today China’s constitution is not like USA. Its reflect current government policies. They have had 4 constitutions since 1949. Communist Party (CCP) in largest political party in the world. (58 million members) CCP is organized much like the Soviet Union. National Party Congress, Central Committee, Politburo, and Secretariat.
National Government Composed of two main bodies. National People’s Congress. Elected for 5 year. Has little power. It passes along laws that were made for it by the CCP. The State Council Main body in the Executive branch. Headed by a Premier, chosen by the Central Committee. Along with other members form the standing committee that makes the major decision.
Judicial System China has a nationwide system of “People’s Courts”. Deal with both Civil and criminal cases. Courts are supervised by the Supreme People’s Court” Capital punishment happens in China for many of the same reason like in the USA. Absent are the guarantees of a fair trial.
Unitary Government China’s central government has complete control over all of it 22 provinces. Has 5 autonomous(independ ent )regions. Hong Kong has its own governor and provisional legislature.
Taiwan After the defeat of Chiang Kai-shek. Nationalist fled to Formosa(Taiwan). Republic of China (Communist) considers Taiwan one of the independent provinces. Taiwan takes the same position. Not a friendly relationship.