Describe in a paragraph (5 sentences) how getting your drivers license and car changed (or will change) your life. What specific things will become easier? What specific things did it make harder? Overall, was the change good or bad? Why? Also write this down after… Time-Space compression- The reduction in the time it takes to move something to a distant place as a result of improved communications and transportation systems BELL WORK – INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION – 2/9/15
I. Drastic Change A. Pre 1750, most people worked the land with handmade tools B. Clothing and food products made at home C. City life dominated by 1850’s THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION
A.To get higher yields, farmers combined fields, mixed new types of soil, used crop rotation, etc B.Enclosure (taking over peasant- farmed land) increased productivity and decreased need for farmers C.Population spikes AGRICULTURE
A.James Watt invented a combustion engine B.Smelting iron became more effective NEW TECHNOLOGY