They make more than ___% of the Earth’s ______ gas and form the foundation of ______ food webs. _______ of the Earth’s surface is covered in _______. Earth’s aquatic ecosystems contain _____biomass than its terrestrial ecosystems. Hooray for phytoplankton! Phytoplankton Phytoplankton are microscopic _________ which are found in vast numbers in in the oceans. 2/3rds water more Why? 50 oxygen marine EARTH’S WATER producers
DISTRIBUTION OF EARTH’S WATER ___% is salt water ___% is fresh water ___% of fresh water is available for use (most is frozen and so ________) 97 3 unusable <1
potatotomatohuman ___% WATER IN LIVING THINGS
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun What is water vapor? 1) Label your diagram.
Water Vapor What is water vapor? Water vapor Water vapor is water in its ___ state. Water vapor Water vapor is water in its ___ state. gas
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM What’s an iceberg? 1) Label your diagram. water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun
Icebergs Icebergs Icebergs are large _______ pieces of ice. Icebergs Icebergs are large _______ pieces of ice. Where’s the rest of the iceberg? floating What’s an iceberg?
Icebergs Most of the iceberg is ______ the surface. below Where’s the rest of the iceberg? What’s an iceberg?
Icebergs When it gets colder the water between the icebergs freeze creating ___________. FUN! landbridges land bridges
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM What’s an aquifer? water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun 1) Label your diagram.
Aquifers Aquifers Aquifers are large underground ________ for _____ water. What’s an aquifer? reservoirsfresh
Aquifers Aquifers can be accessed to make _____. Aquifers can be accessed to make _____ ______. What’s can they be used for? wellswaterpumps
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM evaporation 1) Draw arrows. water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Evaporation Evaporation Evaporation occurs when water goes from a _____ to a ___ state. Evaporation Evaporation occurs when water goes from a _____ to a ___ state. liquidgas
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM evaporation water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun melting freezing 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Melting and Freezing Melting Melting converts ____ to _____ water. Melting Melting converts ____ to _____ water. What does melting do? Freezing Freezing converts _____ water into ____ water. Freezing Freezing converts _____ water into ____ water. What does freezing do? liquid solid liquid solid
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM deposition water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun melting freezing evaporation sublimation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Sublimation and Deposition Does hanging your wet laundry outside in the winter make sense? sublimation Due to sublimation, the ice in the clothes will convert from a ____ state directly to the ___ state. What does deposition do? YES! Deposition Deposition converts water in the ___ state directly into the ____ state. solid gas solid gas
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM condensation water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun deposition melting freezing evaporation sublimation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Condensation Condensation Condensation converts water vapor (___) into visible _____ droplets. Why can you see your breath in the winter time but not summer? This usually occurs when the vapor is in contact with cold air and the droplets will be large enough to see. Explain this... and this… liquidgas
transpiration THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun condensation deposition sublimation melting freezing evaporation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Transpiration Transpiration is the ______ of water vapor from the surface of plants. Transpiration Why is there water vapor on the inside of the bag? What is transpiration? release The water _________ from the leaves then it __________ on the inside of the bag. transpired condensed
Transpiration What is creating the clouds? What would happen if all the trees were cut down? Transpired water vapor from the trees. Loss of water vapor leading to less clouds and rain.
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM precipitation water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun transpiration condensation deposition sublimation melting freezing evaporation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Types of Precipitation rain sleet snow Guess the types of precipitation. Big Hail! hail
Types of Precipitation Precipitation Precipitation occurs when small water droplets in a cloud form rain, snow, sleet and hail which are heavy enough to fall to the Earth. Guess the types of precipitation. sleet snow hail
THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun precipitation transpiration condensation deposition sublimation melting freezing evaporation percolation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Percolation Percolation Percolation occurs when water is being ________________ through the ___. How would deforestation effect percolation? Water moves through coffee grinds. pulleddownwards pulled downwards soil Without plant roots, to suck up the water, the speed of percolation would _______, leading to the removal of ________ from the upper soil layers. nutrients increase
percolation THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM run-off water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun precipitation transpiration condensation deposition sublimation melting freezing evaporation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
Run-off Run-off Run-off occurs when _____ rain water or melt water can’t be absorbed by the soil and _________ on the surface or drains into waterways. What are negative effects of run-off? Soil erosion Water contamination with agricultural pollutants Local flooding What is run-off? excess overflows
percolation THE WATER CYCLE DIAGRAM run-off Magic School Bus – Water Cycle 1Magic School Bus – Water Cycle 2 water vapor sea, ocean iceberg land lake, river aquifer plants clouds sun precipitation transpiration condensation deposition sublimation melting freezing evaporation 1) Draw arrows. 2) Label arrows 3) Provide definitions in your chart. in your chart.
It’s making the oceans ________ which could ___________________ leading to drastic climate change. HUMAN IMPACT ON THE WATER CYCLE GLOBAL WARMING GLOBAL WARMING is increasing the rate of _______ of the polar ice caps, and icebergs. This has two effects: White snow and ice ______ light. Dark water _______ light. melting It creates _________ areas on the surface of the planet to absorb _________ leading to more warming. 1) 2) reflects absorbs moredark more dark moreheat more heat less salty change ocean currents
HUMAN IMPACT ON THE WATER CYCLE GLOBAL WARMING GLOBAL WARMING is increasing the rate of _______ of the polar ice caps, and icebergs melting Polar Bears in Danger
This soil ends up in waterways leading to the ____________ of these areas. Without trees ____________________, which decreases the amount of water vapor, decreasing cloud formation causing _______________. wetterclimates In wetter climates this can lead to __________. Without __________ to ______ the soil, rain can easily wash the soil away. drier climates In drier climates this can lead to _____________. Without __________, less water is held in the topsoil and it becomes ___ and __________. HUMAN IMPACT ON THE WATER CYCLE DEFORESTATION DEFORESTATION can lead to two outcomes. desertification 1) plantroots plant roots dry transpiration decreases less precipitation 2) soil erosion plantroots plant roots anchor sedimentation blowsaway blows away
HUMAN IMPACT ON THE WATER CYCLE CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE CHANGE is changing global patterns of ___________. Excessive Excessive precipitation creates ______. Lack Lack of precipitation creates ________. Record Drought in Horn of Africa Flooding in Sri Lanka precipitation droughts floods