ISGI objectives The International Service of Geomagnetic Indices is an academic research body. It is the federation of the academic research institutes (so-called ISGI collaborating institutes: GFZ, Germany; CETP, France; WDC-C2, Japan ) in charge of computing and disseminating IAGA recognized geomagnetic indices ( AE, am, aa, Kp, Dst ). ISGI headquarter and WWW homepage are hosted by CETP. ISGI has the responsibility of providing free of charge reference quick-look, provisional and definitive values for AE, am, aa, Kp, and Dst geomagnetic indices. Data are available on line through a 24/7 service.
ISGI user needs To get free of charge, on a 24/7 routine basis reference quick-look, provisional, and definitive values for AE, am, aa, Kp, and Dst geomagnetic indices. These values are made available on-line at the WWW homepage of the ISGI collaborating institutes. Provisional values are also circulated by ordinary mail. To get quick-look values with the shortest possible delay. AE and Dst : few hours ( ); am : day D+2 ( ); aa : 30 minutes after the end of the 3-hour interval ( as for am )
ISGI user satisfaction The nominal delay for circulating quick-look values for AE, am, aa, and Dst geomagnetic indices is practically very difficult to improve. The main concern is the difficulty to serve a 24/7 service in the framework of academic research. Our estimate of the quality of the provided services: Free of charge data dissemination: A Quality, reliability, and long term homogeneity of data series: A compliant with IAGA requirements Timeliness of quick-look values delivery: A, B, or C, depending on time period and index A: compliant with specifications - B: acceptable, improvements needed - C: unsatisfactory
ISGI sustainability ISGI has a Scientific Council appointed by IUGG though IAGA. ISGI is funded by FAGS. The ISGI activities of ISGI Collaborating Institutes are funded by national agencies. As long as the national agencies will continue to fund the ISGI Collaborating Institutes, and ISGI will keep control in the definition and derivation of reference geomagnetic indices there will be no problem. The financial support to the institutes directly depends on the priorities of their states in matter of scientific policy, and accordingly may be subject to rapid and drastic changes, down to total cancellation.
ISGI prospective Active involvement in networks of on-line services, such as e.g., SWENET or Virtual Observatories Improvement of the 24/7 on-line services. Development of new indices and quantities based on data from ground based geomagnetic observatories, which provide a better characterisation of the Earth ionized environment wrt time and space. Involvement in the definition of a solar wind observatory ( in situ measurements onboard spacecrafts), and in that of indices monitoring the solar wind driving of the magnetosphere.