INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD INTRODUCTION This is my Information Point, which is part of my DiDA project, ‘You Can Do It’. The purpose of this is to convey information, to you the reader, about my project, and other attributes of my project. Not only this, but this information point can be used to introduce Olympic Values, and the SmallSteps4Life programme, so that you can learn more about the countries effort to help change our lives for the better. Of course, this if needed to be able to use in schools and colleges, and a part of this is to be able to easily navigate information, just with the click of a mouse Enjoy… Hyperlink to Smallsteps4life:
INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD VALUES INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD Olympic Values: Respect – fair play; knowing one’s own limits; and taking care of one’s health and the environment Excellence – how to give the best of oneself, on the field of play or in life; taking part; and progressing according to one’s own objectives Friendship – how, through sport, to understand each other despite any differences The Paralympics Values are based on the history of the Paralympics Games and the tradition of fair play and honorable sports competition. They are: Courage Determination Inspiration Equality The SmallSteps4Life Website is there to help people make small changes to there everyday life, which will make a large to change to there lifestyle, and there entire life ahead. There are three mains of areas that the person can change. Eat Well, Get Active and Feel Good, and the SmallSteps4Life challenges people to take up just one of these challenges.
INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD EAT WELL INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD Eating Well: Eating well is vital for a good growth, and a good start in life. Without there proper vitamins, minerals, and amounts of protein, calcium etc your body might grow deficient of these, leaving drastic side effects. A simple way to fight against this is to eat a well balanced and nutritious diet, containing sensible portions of the foods in the food chart to your left My survey data told me a lot about peoples eating habits, and preferred foods. I found that my most consumed food was fruit, as per day 64 items of fruit was eaten by my collective Audience. I also found that their most popular food was Meat, which out of the twenty, five selected as their favorite food A recommended way I would take to eat healthy, is to consume not necessarily smaller but balanced portions, try new things, and snack less, (wait until main meals to eat)
INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD GET ACTIVE INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD The Second of the three challenges made by the SmallSteps4Lifes is to Get Active. On average a child usually needs sixty minutes of exercise seven times a week, to help keep the developing body fit, setting it up for later life. As a Human being gets older, the average exercise drops to 5 times a week, for 45 minutes. Key Facts: Average Required Exercise for Child:60 Mins Every Day Average Required Exercise for Adult: 45 Mins 5 Days/Week Though it was the least popular of the three challenges, I think it was quite a good challenge to undertake, because there are so many activities for young children to undertake, with all the extra curricular activities. A recommended way I would undertake this challenge is to take up two new sports, and participate in them at least once a week. A good idea for a sport to take up is running/jogging.
INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD INTRODUCTION VALUES EAT WELL GET ACTIVE FEEL GOOD Feeling Good about yourself is important. Without self confidence, and without enjoying the life you lead you can not excel in your life. This is called our emotional health, and participating in feel good challenges improves our health, and helps to avoid and combat feeling angry, depressed or stressed. Tips to Feel Good: Play a musical Instrument Play Computer/Video Games Go Out with Friends Just CHILL OUT Doing all of these things will help to improve your wellbeing and emotional health. Getting enough sleep – tiredness can make you feel stressed Staying happy - keep doing things that make you feel good to keep your mind off things that make you feel bad Take breaks when doing homework.