Online Recertification Instructions
Step 1: Navigate your web browser to: Step 2: Login - Do NOT create a new account, as one was created for you if you didn’t have a account associated with your USSF ID. - Please use the “Forgot Username & Password” or “Find Yours” links to login.
If utilizing these tools don’t allow you to login, please contact one of us: Bob Gilchrist – Tony Crush – Stan Sizemore – Chad Collins –
Step 3: Click “Change your Identity”
Step 4: Change your identity in the system to Group Number “1280” and choose “Official” until it says “Current” in front of it:
Step 5: Click “Courses”
Step 6: Click on “Referee Courses”
Step 7: Click on the course you need to complete, FOR YOUR APPROPRIATE REFEREE GRADE.
Step 8: Click on the course you would like to attend.
Step 9: Click “Register For This Course”.
Step 10: Select Payment Method and click “Continue”.
Step 11: Click on “Load Session Tracker”.
Step 12: Click on the first session.
Step 13: Click “Start Presentation”.
Step 14: Your progress is tracked on the left.
Step 15: When you are finished with a module/session, click on “Complete Session”.
Step 16: After you click “OK” you can review, but won’t be able to change any of your answers.
Step 17: Click “Return to Course Home”.
Step 18: Continue completing each module/session until all of them have been successfully passed.
You should receive your referee patch in the mail within 7 days of the course date of the online course date you chose.
If you have any questions, please contact one of us: Bob Gilchrist – Tony Crush – Stan Sizemore – Chad Collins – THANK YOU