The Explorers Sir Francis Drake
Introduction Drake was the first Englishman to explore the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and to successfully sail around the world.
Route of Journey voyage: 1.sailed from Plymouth, England around the tip of South America through the Strait of Magellan to explore the coast that lay beyond 2.sailed up coast of South America + plundered unprotected Spanish settlements in Chile + Peru 3.sailed north as far as present day Vancouver while seeking passage around the northern part of North America to the Atlantic Ocean, but turned back due to cold weather 4.sailed down to present day San Francisco + landed supposedly where people think is Drake's Bay for repairs + claimed land for Queen Elizabeth I + named it Nova Albion (New England) 1579 sailed across the Pacific to the East Indies, stopped for water in the Philippine Islands, spices in Molucca Islands, and also visited Sulawesi (Celebes) and Java 6.crossed Indian Ocean + sailed around Cape of Good Hope + returned to Plymouth, England on Sept. 26, became a national hero
Drake’s Route San Francisco Vancouver Chile Peru Celebes Java Philippines England
Other Notable Occurrences Defeated the Spanish Armada: 1.King Phillip II preparing mighty fleet (Spanish Armada) to fight English 2.Elizabeth I commanded Drake to crush the Spanish Armada 3.stormed Spanish bay of Cadiz with 30 ships in destroyed 20 to 30 ships + many supplies intended for King Phillip's army 5.delayed Spain's plan of conquering English forces 6.Spain attacked England in 1588 with 130 ships 7.Drake defeated the Armada + forced them to flee around Ireland + Scotland
Bibliography Sources: Drake, Francis. Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica eLibrary. Proquest CSA. BAYVIEW GLEN SCHOOL. 27 Mar FRANCIS DRAKE. California Explorers. Toucan Valley Publications eLibrary. Proquest CSA. BAYVIEW GLEN SCHOOL. 07 Apr Gibbs, Gary G. "Drake, Sir Francis." World Book Online Reference Center [Place of access.] 14 April Images: d.jpghttp:// d.jpg gif&imgrefurlhttp:// gif&imgrefurl y/Loutherbourg,SpanishArmada.jpghttp:// y/Loutherbourg,SpanishArmada.jpg Apr jpg Apr jpg mages/page_upload/1/panama.jpghttp:// mages/page_upload/1/panama.jpg la/Anguilla_main/galleons.jpghttp:// la/Anguilla_main/galleons.jpg 6/BlankMap-World2.pnghttp:// 6/BlankMap-World2.png