Alicia Patrick April 19, 2011 CIS 1055 Sec 3
Definitions: “Sexting refers to an act of sending sexually explicit materials through mobile phones. The word is derived from the combination of two terms sex and texting”- US Legal “The act of text messaging someone in the hopes of having a sexual encounter with them later; initially casual, transitioning into highly suggestive and even sexually explicit”- Urban Dictionary “Sexting is a term coined by the media that generally refers to sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photos or sexually suggestive messages through text message or ”- Crisis Intervention Center SEX + TEXT= SEXTING
Sent pictures or videos that are explicit and show body parts or are sexually suggestive can be considered sexting
Sexting doesn’t have to be as obvious as sending pictures or videos There are acronyms that make it easier to sext. AbbreviationMeaning P911Parent alert TDTMTalk dirty to me Q2CQuick to cum GNOCGet naked on cam I%IIntercourse and Inebriation LFLets f**k XTCEcstasy
All TeensTeen GirlsTeen Boys Sending/Posting sexually suggestive messages39%37%40% Sent/Posted nude or semi-nude pics/videos20%22%18% Content sent to a boyfriend/girlfriend69%71%67% Content sent to a crush30%21%39%
ARIZONA S.B Status: Signed by Governor, May 7, 2010 Establishes, as class 2 misdemeanors, the offenses of using an electronic communication device to transmit visual depictions of minors that depict explicit sexual material and possessing such visual depictions. Outlines defenses to possessing visual depiction S.B OHIO H.B. 473 Prohibits a minor, by use of a telecommunications device, from knowingly receiving, exchanging, sending, posting, or possessing a photograph, video, or other material that shows a minor in a state of nudity; defines a state of nudity for purposes of the prohibition; limits the offense of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance to acts committed by persons a specified age or older. H.B. 473 SOUTH CAROLINA H.B Creates the offense of sexting; provides a fine and an educational program for a person who commits the offense, and provides for expungement of the person's record upon completion of an educational program and payment of a fine H.B. 4504
Embarrassment at home and in school The images circulated and being seen by people other than the original recipient In Arizona, sexting can be punishable by law with charges of creating, possessing and/or distributing child pornography Sexting among teens (individuals under the age of 18) can also result in the “perpetrator” being listed as a sex offender There are rehabilitation centers across the country where convicted offenders can be sent in order to receive treatment
Sexting is a very popular and prevelent fad amongst teens and there are plenty of things that result from a fiasco dealing with sexting as mention before, outside of the courtroom Sexting is wrong and dangerous for all partied involved and there needs to be disciplinary actions taken The individuals involved will be embarrassed and humiliated, can lose their friends, get suspended/expelled from school and even lose scholarships and grants for college
Court dates, fines and summons are reasonable penalties for sending or receiving sexually suggestive images But it is extreme to go as far as being registered as a sex offender, being sent away to sex offender rehab or worse, prison These consequences would be more detrimental to the teens. To take a 17 year old boy and put him in a correctional facility with armed robbers and drug addicts in no way seems like an appropriate punishment.
"Consequences of Sexting." Crisis Intervention Center. Crisis Intervention Center, n.d. Web. 16 Apr First, Security. "Teenage Sexting Statistics." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr "Sexting Legilsation 2010." NCSL. National Conference of State Legislatures, 4 Jan Web. 16 Apr "Sexting Statistics." Texting. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr Tynan, Dan, and JR Raphael. "25 More Sexting Acronyms Parents Should Know." eSarcasm. N.p., 2 Aug Web. 18 Apr REFERENCES