Helping Young People Make Safe Healthy Relationships WELCOME
What is CRUSH? Structured programme of group support and empowerment for YP An experiential support resource for professionals Suitable for both males and females, as well as those exhibiting perpetrator traits Intended to introduce issues around diversity Can be used individually Designed to compliment PSHE / Citizenship / Expect respect
Background: Piecemeal funding, high numbers, reaching YP in the community Changes in youth culture / Helpline statistics increase in under 25s using services Initiatives such as Expect Respect, MARAC care plans Training requests from other agencies Emerging awareness within Domestic abuse Forums Response: Business plan Experience of and success with group programmes Lottery Funding
Learning Objectives: The ability to:- Recognise a nurturing relationship Recognise warning signs Safely end relationships Seek appropriate help Adopt appropriate coping strategies Recognise the influence of peers, media and pop culture Understand the rights and responsibilities of young people Additional outcomes: Increased confidence and social skills Increased self-identity Awareness of the historical context of domestic abuse Awareness of equality and diversity
Why it works: Young people were so engaged in the development that the programme virtually “wrote itself”. By projecting the story on to the characters, young people are able to open up about personal experiences and emotional responses Young people are in control of the programme. They decide who dates who, what happens and if/when the victims seeks help There is always a better (not necessarily perfect) comparison The programme is highly flexible
Training the trainer: We want YP to be safe – that’s why we license training Training was free as long as Lottery funding lasted – now we need to fund materials, updates, trainer, liaison etc. License lasts one year – renewal price is not prohibited Facilitators are part of the ‘family’
Our assumptions about facilitators: You have knowledge of domestic abuse and the effects on adults and children You have some experience or training around working with C&YP in groups You understand safeguarding and know what action to take Your manager supports this initiative and has agreed to CRUSH becoming part of your work programme You are committing to delivering at least 2 courses over the next months.