By: Ariel Bergamini
Adaptation 1: Packs Wolves live in packs that can have a maximum of 36 wolves! They do this so they can hunt together and have a better chance of catching large prey such as caribou.
Camoflauge Wolves camoflauge themselves not only by color, but by their surrondings.
Behaviors Wolves, like all animals, Have their own special behaviors. They DO howl at the moon, in real life. They do this with its whole pack.
Hunting Wolves hunt together, about 7 at a time. They hunt hoofed animals, such as caribou, elk, moose, and deer.
Wolves will sometimes carry the bones of their prey back to their pack’s camp. Picture By Kelly Godfrey
What hunts the wolves? Wolves have no animal hunters, they’re at the top of the food chain. Wolves’ real hunters are humans. Yes, humans! People hunt and kill the wolves for their pelts, that’s why their populations are dropping.
Claws and special adaptations Wolves’ have strong skeletons to protect themselves from caribou. Their own prey! They have powerful hooves that could crush a animal. Their claws are long so they can kill and fight. They also have very strong jaws.
Credit to,,,, for the pictures and information.