Rehabilitation Disaster Relief: Theory, Science and Practice Nanjing Medical University, China Jianan Li, MD
Challenges in Rehab Disaster Relief Lack of extensive rescue capacity Lack of rehab resources Lack of rehab management Lack of fund Uncoordinated implementation Medical insurance policy
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief
NHV Model
Rehab Disaster Scientific Research 1.Functional outcomes and health related quality of life in fracture victims 27 months after the Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2012, 44, Effectiveness of the NHV rehabilitation services programme on long-term physical functioning in survivors of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake: a longitudinal quasi-experimental study. (Plos one) 3.Analysis of functional status, quality of life and community integration in earthquake survivors with spinal cord injury at hospital discharge and one year in the community. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2012, 44, Factors affecting functional outcome of Sichuan earthquake survivors with tibial shaft fractures: a follow-up study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2011, 43: Functional outcomes of physical rehabilitation and medical complications of spinal cord injury victims of the Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (in press). 6.Spinal cord injury-related chronic pain in victims of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake: a prospective cohort study (Spinal cord, accepted) 1. 四川省北川中学地震伤员康复状况调查分析 ; 中国康复医学杂志, 2009, 24: 绵竹地震伤员职业需求康复现状的调查与分析 ; 中华物理医学与康复杂志, 2010, 11: 四川江油地震伤员康复状况分析 ; 中国康复医学杂志, 2009, 24: 医疗康复对四肢骨不连地震伤员生活质量的影响 ; 中华物理医学与康复杂志, 2011, 11: 四川绵竹地震伤员社区康复需求调查 ; 中华物理医学与康复杂志, 2011, 1: 绵竹地震胫腓骨骨折伤员功能恢复的影响因素分析 ; 中国康复医学杂志, 2011, 2: 四川地震 51 例脊髓损伤康复医疗状况分析 ; 中华物理医学与康复杂志, 2010, 10: 地震骨折伤员慢性疼痛的相关因素及与生存质量的关系 ; 中华物理医学与康 复杂志, 2011, 9: 绵竹脊髓损伤地震伤员生存质量和抑郁状态分析 ; 中华物理医学与康复杂志, 2012, 已接
“One Foundation” Award
Chinese Charity Award
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief Rehab disaster relief reserve duty Equipped with mobile transportation Including rehab doctors, therapists and nurses Provide rehab therapy for disaster and undeveloped areas in peace time Provide rehab relief work when disaster happens
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief Technical support Consultation Guidance Training Raise the fund
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief Fracture Spinal cord injury Traumatic Brain Injury Amputation Peripheral nerve injury Crush syndrome …….
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief Long term follow up Physical functioning Psychological functioning Social functioning Classified by injury type ...
ISPRM-RDRC past and future actions Based on the NHV model Set up mobile rehab team International rehab professional database Rehab strategies for different health conditions Rehab scientific research Diplomatic procedures for international rehab relief