Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved TEST 3 REVIEW
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Hispanics Who are the Hispanic Americans? Where do they come from, under what conditions? Which countries and geographic locations send the most significant number of “Hispanics to the U.S? Understand the relationship and the difference between race and class in Latin American and Caribbean nations and the U.S.
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved HISPANICS Know the Migration patterns and trends of the following groups: Mexicans Puerto Ricans Cubans When, why, where do they go? How are they performing once there? Know their general patterns of assimilation
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved CURRENT PATTERNS What are the patterns of arrival and settlement of Hispanics in the U.S. Overall, how are Hispanics doing in terms of income in relation to whites?
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved How are hispanics doing in terms of educational attainment? How are Hispanics fairing in terms of class and poverty in the U.S. How are Hispanics doing in terms of occupations? SOCIAL INDICATORS OF HISPANIC CULTURE
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved REVIEW FOR TEST 3 Chapter 8. Asian Americans What does the Asian American label designate? Where do Asian Americans come from? Generally speaking, what are the traditional values of Asian Americans like? Know the history of Chinese migration and of the legislative actions that accompanied. What caused such harsh measures on behalf of the federal government? Why did china towns emerge? Know the relationship between the Japanese and migration laws as well as the history of internment camps during WWII. Know the history and assimilation patterns of Koreans. Understand the concept of the model minority stereotype and the issues associated with it.
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved REVIEW FOR TEST 3 Chapter 9. Arab Americans What does the Arab American label designate? Where do Arab Americans come from? What are the geographic settlement patterns of Arab Americans? What is the adjustment and assimilation of Arabs like? What causes these patterns of assimilation? Know the settlement and assimilation patterns of the Syrian-Lebanese, Iranians, and Turks Be familiar with the religious characteristics of Arab Americans
Strangers to These Shores, Tenth Edition by Vincent N. Parrillo©2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Waves of Migration 1.Wave: Christian Minorities / half were illiterate / majority were males 2.After WWII, mostly Muslims, students and professionals from Palestine…. 3.After 1960s, mixture of professionals and unskilled labor, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq Acculturation and Assimilation 1.As Christians they assimilated easily. Shed their cultural attributes easily as well. Adopted Anglo-names. 2.Also assimilated easily. Mostly Muslim retained some of their distinctive features (dress, last names, etc.) Established clubs, political committees, and schools. 3.Encountered negative receptions (60s), created their own communities. Collective recipients of cultural marginalization. Vilified in the media and political discourse. Relations with Americans 1.Settled in economically vibrant areas (early immigrants) – continued through WWII. 2.3 rd wave – relations soured. Arab Oil Embargo in the 70s. Arab and Muslims were vilified as blood thirsty terrorists and religious fanatics after the Arab Israeli War. 3.80s – Peak of the hate crimes against Arabs. 1960s President Nixon passed law to watch Arab students (Operation Boulder) – World Trade Center bombed by Arabic immigrants, arrested 8 of them - went to Supreme Court passed immigration act. Could be detained or deported if suspected of terrorist activities. Education 1.Value education very much. Wealthy send their children to private schools. Middle class to public schools census – more educated than the average American (Master’s degrees) 3.Prefer jobs in sciences and a percent of their income goes to charity. Religion 1.Christians make up the majority of Arab-Americans, in some areas; there is a larger population of Muslims. 2.2 different churches: Orthodox and Uniates. 3.Uniates submit to the authority of the Pope, also allow their priests to marry. 4.Most significant change was moving the Friday Prayer day moved to Sunday, more functional to move towards Sunday. The Role of Women 1.Traditional roles such as child rearing, maintaining the religious and social traditions within the family 2.Once the process of assimilation begins to take place, women assume leadership roles in community organization and churches. Employment 1.Many Arab-Americans have high levels of entrepreneurship. Sell lots of things. 2.Grocery stores, department stores. 60% work as executives, professionals, salespeople, administrative support or service personnel.