The weather in England by Elina Asanova
Words, which can help you to understand the text better… go by- проходить (о времени) snow falling- снегопад wet- мокрый, влажный dry- сухой heavily-сильно rain cats and dogs -лить как из ведра change- менять quickly- быстро exaggeration- преувеличение certainly- безусловно way- путь conversation- разговор stranger- незнакомец
It's not usually as cold in Britain as it is in Russia or Canada It's not usually as cold in Britain as it is in Russia or Canada. In some parts of Britain winter goes by without any snow falling at all. It doesn't usually get very cold in the winter or very hot in the summer. Britain Canada Russia
It's not true that Britain is a wet and foggy country It's not true that Britain is a wet and foggy country. It may not rain very much but you can never be sure of a dry day. Sometimes it rains so heavily that the British say "It's raining cats and dogs."
That's why British people say "Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather." The weather in England changes very quickly. Sometimes the British have weather from each season all in one day.
What a nice weather! People often say that the British talk about the weather all the time. This is an exaggeration, but it's certainly true that the weather is a good way to start a conversation with a stranger. Because of the changeable weather there is always something to talk about in Britain even with a person you don't know.
True or false? The weather in England is as cold as in Russia and Canada. It is very cold in winter and very hot in summer. Sometimes it rains so heavily that the British say "It's raining frogs and fish.“ The weather in England changes very quickly. The British talk about the weather all the time. A conversation about the weather is a good way to start talking with a stranger. F F F T F T
Answer the questions Is it true that Britain is a wet and foggy country? How do the British say when it rains heavily? How often does the weather in England change? Do the British talk about the weather all the time? Why do people think that the weather is a good way to start a conversation with a stranger?