Ollie the Online Owl presents: Internet Safety Tips By Jane Sebastian
We chat and play games a lot!
We like to play hide and seek too. Today, Pablo is “It”. Where is he? We know he is somewhere near us. ?????????? But we just can’t see him!
There he is!
We can’t see our friends online… We must be very careful to only talk to people with addresses that we know! Just like hide and seek…. We know they are there….. But, we just can’t see them!
Who are you talking to? We know our friend’s addresses. We can talk to them even though we cannot see them.
Stranger Danger… Sometimes someone tries to send you a message by telling you that they are your friend. You think it is your friend, but how do you know? What do you do?
Look! I have a new message ! But… I don’t know WHO it is!
“I don’t know you!” I’ll ask my mom to check it out.
My plans are ruined! That kid is too smart for me! He knows about Internet Safety. My plans are ruined! That kid is too smart for me! He knows about Internet Safety. Meet Hacker – He is NOT your friend!
Computers can get sick too…. His computer has a virus! Ollie hasn’t been online today….. Poor Ollie! He clicked on a pop- up icon before he asked an adult. His computer got sick! We are lucky our computers are okay!
Ask before you click. Don’t make your computer sick!
Always use your best manners online….
Everyone can see what you say.
Be kind and respectful!
Be smart! If someone asks you for personal information.. Always ask a trusted adult if it is okay.
Never tell a stranger… Your name. Your birthday. Your telephone number. Your home address. Your school. And NEVER give a stranger a picture of yourself!
Make your own Ollie Owl You will see Ollie hanging over your classroom computer station. Your teacher will give you your very own copy of Ollie the Online Safety Owl to hang in your computer center at home.
References artsandtechnology/technology internetsafety/. artsandtechnology/technology internetsafety/ Retrieved (2014, September 21). (updated June 2013). Retrieved (2014, September 21).