A sheep?...or a goat?
Psalm 110: 1-7 “He will judge the nations” ‘eretz’
A sheep?...or a goat? Ezekiel 34 You leaders of Israel have NOT been good shepherds, so I will have to send My own Luke 7: Luke 15: 1-7 Matthew 15: 24 John 21: 15-17
A sheep?...or a goat? Joel 2-3 I will send My Spirit for a time, then judgment will come The Judgment of nations
A sheep?...or a goat? Joel 3: 9-16 In the valley of Jehoshaphat, the sickle will swing, the harvest will occur The Judgment of nations
A sheep?...or a goat? Joel 2: “great and dreadful day of the L ORD ” Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 24: Cosmic disturbances Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved Angels, trumpet, gathering
A sheep?...or a goat? Isaiah 13: Isaiah 34: 4 Ezekiel 30: 3, 32: 7 Joel 2 & 3 Matthew 24: Mark 13: Luke 21: Amos 5: Zephaniah 1: Zechariah 14: 6-7 Acts 2: Revelation 6: Revelation 8: 12
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: “When the Son of Man comes…” Angels, thrones, nations gathered before Him, separate the people Matthew 24: Revelation 1: 7 Zechariah 12: 10-14Joel 2: 28
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew “When will this happen?” “What will be the sign…?” Matthew 24: Tribulation Matthew 24: – Great Tribulation Daniel 9: 27 II Thessalonians 2: 1-4 Matthew 24: 29 = Matthew 25: 31
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 24: 32-25: 30 It will be like… “No one knows about that day or hour” “One will be taken and the other left” Stay prepared, expectant Do what you’re supposed to be doing
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: “Come you who are blessed…” Hungry – eat Thirsty – drink Stranger – invited Naked – clothes Sick – cared Prison - visit
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: “Depart from me, you who are cursed…” Hungry – gave nothing Thirsty – gave nothing Stranger – did not Naked – did not Sick – did not Prison – did not
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: 37 & 44 “Lord, when did we see you…? Both the blessed & the cursed are surprised – for very different reasons
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: 40 & 45 “I tell you the truth, whatever you did (or did not do) for the least of these, my brothers, you did (or did not do) for Me.”
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: Pre-trib rapture – those who have been ‘left behind’ care for the Jews Mid/post-trib rapture – church is still present, witnessing and caring for the Jewish converts
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: Similar “goats” Matthew 7: (surprised like Matt 25: 44) Matthew 25: – “I don’t know you.”
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: Jews during tribulation Revelation 7, 14 – 144,000 sealed Then church raptured Revelation 14: 9-12 Revelation 13: 16-18
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: The bigger picture – Who is my brother? Am I my brother’s keeper? Mark 3: Luke 8: I John 4: 16b-21
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: Did you see a need and act? Or neglect? James 2: I John 3: James 4: 17
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: 37 & 44 “Lord, when did we see you…? Both the blessed & the cursed are surprised – for very different reasons Hebrews 13: 1-3
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: 34, 41, 46 “Come, you who are blessed.” “Depart from me, you who are cursed.” Heaven – eternal life Hell – eternal punishment
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: 34, 41, 46 These eternal places are prepared for…? Heaven – eternal life I Peter 1: Revelation 13: 8 Revelation 17: 8
A sheep?...or a goat? Matthew 25: 34, 41, 46 These eternal places are prepared for…? Hell – eternal punishment II Peter 3: 9
A sheep?...or a goat?
The Voice of God Exodus 19: 10-11, Job 37: 2-5 John 12: 27-33
A sheep?...or a goat? The Voice of the Lord Matthew 24: I Corinthians 15: I Thessalonians 4: Trumpets, voices, see you in the clouds!
A sheep?...or a goat? The Voice of the Lord Revelation 1: 7, 10 Revelation 10: 7 Revelation 11: Revelation 14: Trumpets, voices, see you in the clouds!
A sheep?...or a goat? The Voice of the Lord John 5: They will hear the voice
A sheep?...or a goat? The Voice of the Lord John 10: 1-18 I AM the good shepherd My sheep know My voice! Ezekiel 34