May 17, 20001
2 USB 2.0 Hub Details John Garney Hub Working Group Chair Intel Corporation John Garney Hub Working Group Chair Intel Corporation
May 17, Hub Details w Standard Hub Class – Port Indicators w Transaction Translator w Bulk/Control Transaction Handling w Isochronous/Interrupt Transaction Handling w Scheduling Split Transactions w Additions to Chapter 11 w New Appendices
May 17, Hub Requirements: w Isolate full/low-speed from high-speed – Avoid lower speed impact on HS, i.e., LS impact on FS w All USB2.0 Hub ports support HS/FS/LS
May 17, Standard Hub Class w Hub Descriptor – Added to wHubCharacteristics : D6..D5: TT Think Time D7: Port indicator support w Hub Class Requests – New Port Features: PORT_TEST, PORT_INDICATOR – Get_Status: PORT_HIGH_SPEED – New: ClearTTBuffer, ResetTT, GetTTState, StopTT
May 17, Hub Port Indicators w Optional standardized end user visible indicator w 2 color indicator for each downstream facing port – Defined colors: Off, Green, Amber, Blinking w Manual (Host SW) & Automatic Control – Manual: keeps HW simple while allowing SW control Blinking done by software – Automatic: basic consistency in USB 1.x/2.0 systems Overcurrent, enabled and “neither” – Full indicator support requires USB 2.0 software
May 17, 20007ColorDefinitionOff Not Operational Amber Error Condition Green Fully Operational Blinking Off/Green Software Attention Blinking Off/Amber Hardware Attention Blinking Amber/Green Reserved Indicator Color Meanings
May 17, Indicator Control w Controlled via SetPortFeature(PORT_INDICATOR, indicator_selector) Value Port Indicator Selector Port Indicator Mode Color set automatically, as defined in following Automatic 1AmberManual 2Green 3Off 4-FFHReservedReserved 0
May 17, Automatic Indicator Control SetPortFeature( PORT_POWER) Automatic Mode OffOff !(Enabled or Transmit or TransmitR) and PORT_OVER_CURRENT != 1 Enabled or Transmit or TransmitR GreenGreen SetPortFeature(PORT_INDICATOR, indicator_selector = 0) SetPortFeature(PORT_INDICATOR, indicator_selector != 0) ManualMode Amber PORT_OVER_CURRENT = 1
May 17, Host Controller / TT Interactions HostHost DeviceDevice TTTT X X2 TT buffers full/low speed transaction information (X) locally TT buffers full/low speed transaction information (X) locally 1 – SPLIT-s, OUT, DATAx (Start-split) Host Controller issues start-split transaction to TT TTTT R R ,ACK TT buffers full/low speed transaction results (R) locally TT buffers full/low speed transaction results (R) locally 3 - OUT, DATAx,... TT issues full/low speed transaction on downstream bus 6 - …,ACK 6 - …,ACK TT responds with results InterruptOutExample 5 – SPLIT-c, OUT, … (Complete-split) Host Controller issues complete-split transaction to TT
May 17, Transaction Translator Overview w Bulk/Control & Interrupt/Isochronous portions to TT – Bulk/Control uses USB flow control to make progress – Interrupt/Isochronous uses a scheduled full/low speed transaction “pipeline” – Separate buffers are used for each TT portion 2 or more transaction buffers for bulk/control Start & complete “pipeline” buffers for interrupt/isochronous Transaction Translator Bulk & Control Bulk & Control Interrupt & Isochronous Interrupt & Isochronous
May 17, Example: Bulk OUT Single Split Trans. TTTT X2 TT buffers full/low speed transaction information (X) locally 3 - OUT, DATAx,... TT issues full/low speed transaction on downstream bus R R ,ACK TT buffers full/low speed transaction results (R) locally 6 - …,ACK 6 - …,ACK TT responds with results 1 – SPLIT-s, OUT, DATAx, ACK Host Controller issues start-split transaction to TT 5 – SPLIT-c, OUT,... Host Controller issues complete-split transaction to TT
May 17, Example Bulk OUT Splits w Assume 2 classic bulk OUT endpoints w Assume 1 TT bulk/control buffer HS Bus: Classic Bus: S S SS2a O O D D N N S S SS1a O O D D A A Full SS2a O O D D N N S S CS1a O O Y Y C C Ready SS2a O O D D A A S S Full CS1a O O A A C C Empty Periodic Xacts Empty TT Bulk Buffer: CS2a O O Y Y C C TIME O O D D A A EP1 Transaction O O D … EP2 Transaction
May 17, Example: Bulk OUT Two Different Split Trans. TTTT X OUT, DATAx,... R R ,ACK TT buffers 1st full/low speed transaction results (R) locally 1 – SPLIT-s, OUT, DATAx, ACK - Same as before HC issues Start-split transaction for different endpoint to TT 4 – SPLIT-c, OUT, DATAx, ACK x2 TT buffers full/low speed transaction (x2) locally in 2nd buffer 5 TT issues 2nd full/low speed transaction on downstream bus 7 - OUT, DATAx,...
May 17, Example: Bulk OUT Two Different Split Trans. TTTT TT responds with results from 1st buffer 9 - …,ACK 9 - …,ACK HC issues complete-split transaction for 2nd endpoint to TT 8 – SPLIT-s, OUT,... r2 10 TT buffers full/low speed transaction results (r2) locally TT buffers full/low speed transaction results (r2) locally ,ACK R R 12 TT responds with results TT responds with results 12 - …,ACK 12 - …,ACK 11 HC issues complete-split transaction for 2nd endpoint to TT HC issues complete-split transaction for 2nd endpoint to TT 11 – SPLIT-c, OUT, – SPLIT-c, OUT,...
May 17, Example Bulk OUT Splits w Assume 2 classic bulk OUT endpoints w Always at least 2 TT bulk/control buffers HS Bus: Classic Bus: S S SS1a O O D D A A 1 Full 1 Empty Periodic Xacts 1 Ready CS1a O O Y Y C C 1 Empty CS1a O O A A C C SS1b O O D D A A S S 1 Full TT Bulk Buffer: CS2a O O Y Y C C TIME O O D … O O D D A A EP1 Transaction O O D D A A EP2 Transaction S S SS2a O O D D A A 2 Full CS2a O O Y Y C C 2 Ready
May 17, TT Int. / Isoch. Pipeline w Host software budgets when full/low-speed transaction will run w Host schedules start-split before “earliest” start time w Host schedules complete-split at “latest” finish time(s) w Scheduling accounts for variation due to bit-stuffing and timeouts, etc. TTTT High Speed Start-Split High Speed Complete-Split Start-splitFIFOStart-splitFIFOComplete-splitFIFOComplete-splitFIFO StartHandlerStartHandlerCompleteHandlerCompleteHandler Full/LowHandlerFull/LowHandler
May 17, TTTT Start-split Start-splitFIFO FIFOComplete-splitFIFOComplete-splitFIFO Full/LowHandlerFull/LowHandler StartHandlerStartHandlerCompleteHandlerCompleteHandler X X2 TT buffers full/low speed transaction information locally 1 – SPLIT-s, OUT, DATAx Host Controller issues start-split transaction to TT 3 - OUT, DATAx,... TT issues full/low speed transaction on downstream bus 5 – SPLIT-c, OUT,... 5 – SPLIT-c, OUT,... Host Controller issues complete-split transaction to TT 6 - …,ACK 6 - …,ACK TT responds with results Example: Int. OUT Split Trans. R R ,ACK TT buffers full/low speed transaction results locally Start-split Start-splitFIFO FIFO
May 17, Scheduling TT Pipeline w Best case budget & worst case operation w Scheduling split transactions for pipeline w Keeping the pipeline running
May 17, Best Full-Speed Budget w Max bytes per classic frame (12Mb/s) w Max bytes of periodic wire time (90% of frame) w Max allocatable bytes w/ max 6/7 (16.67%) bit stuff – Reduced further by other overhead w Max “wire” bytes per 125us microframe – Budget best case of 188 bytes w Best Case Budget assumes wire runs “as fast as possible” Y0Y0Y0Y0 Y1Y1Y1Y1 Y2Y2Y2Y2 Y3Y3Y3Y3 Y4Y4Y4Y4 Y5Y5Y5Y5 Y6Y6Y6Y6 Y7Y7Y7Y Microframes Best case wire budget,1157 bytes w/ no bitstuffing Max wire time
May 17, Worst Case Operation w Worst case when bus runs “as slow as possible” w 188 “data” bytes can take 220 bytes of time to move w Classic transaction runs in three possible microframes – Due to difference between best & worst case Y0Y0Y0Y0 Y1Y1Y1Y1 Y2Y2Y2Y2 Y3Y3Y3Y3 Y4Y4Y4Y4 Y5Y5Y5Y5 Y6Y6Y6Y6 Y7Y7Y7Y7 Best case wire budget, 1157 bytes w/ no bitstuffing Microframes Worst case, 1350 bytes w/ max bitstuffing Worst case with bulk reclaim bytes w Reclamation (LS control) makes it no worse
May 17, Transaction Scheduling w Classic transaction determines HS split-transactions w Allocate time on classic wire for a new transaction: – Calculate best case classic wire budget w Determine schedule for high speed start-split(s) – Based on Best case budget w Determine schedule for high speed complete-split(s) – Based on Best case budget and rules that deal with worst – Don’t compute worst case, use “3” microframes
May 17, Generic Scheduling of Split Transactions w Allocate time for a new transaction (Y-1) 7 Y0Y0Y0Y0 Y1Y1Y1Y1 Y2Y2Y2Y2 Y3Y3Y3Y3 Y4Y4Y4Y4 Y5Y5Y5Y5 Y6Y6Y6Y6 Y7Y7Y7Y7 Best case budget #1: A classic transaction budgeted to run here on the classic bus,... #2: …has a HS start-split scheduled in this microframe and... #2: …has a HS start-split scheduled in this microframe and... HSStart-splitHSStart-split w Start-splits scheduled in microframe “before” Best case classic w Additional scheduling rules for specific cases (see chap 11) w Complete-splits in (roughly) “next 3” microframes #3: …has HS complete-split transactions scheduled in the latest possible microframes for this transaction HS Complete-splits
May 17, Long Isochronous OUT w Isochronous OUT with >188 data payload has: – More start-splits A start-split for each microframe with budgeted data present Different PID based on which portion of classic data (begin,mid,end) Each start-split is scheduled 188 data bytes (except last) – No complete-split(s) (Y-1) 7 Y0Y0Y0Y0 Y1Y1Y1Y1 Y2Y2Y2Y2 Y3Y3Y3Y3 Y4Y4Y4Y4 Y5Y5Y5Y5 Y6Y6Y6Y6 Y7Y7Y7Y7 BeginEndMidMid Best case budget Microframes with HS Start-Splits Long isoch. transaction Start-SplitTokens:
May 17, Keeping the Pipe Running w TT periodic pipeline must continue to sequence – Normally it does, but… – Errors can occur on high/full/low-speed buses w TT must not service full/low-speed transactions: – Too early – Too late w Microframe “clock” tracking is required
May 17, Periodic Pipeline Example w Example full speed transactions: – T1: 187 data byte isoch IN – T2: 376 data byte isoch OUT – T3: 188 data byte isoch IN – T4: 564 data byte isoch IN w Schedule start-splits SSx - Start-splits Tx - Classic transaction CSx - Complete-splits Best Budget: T3T1T2T4 SS3 SS1 SS4SS2aSS2c SS2b
May 17, Pipeline Example w Schedule Complete-splits SSx - Start-splits Tx - Classic transaction CSx - Complete-splits Best Budget: T1T2T4T3 CS3bCS3aCS3cCS1aCS1bCS1cCS4bCS4dCS4cCS4a – Isoch OUT T2 has no complete-splits – Isoch IN T4 only has one additional complete-split
May 17, SS2b SS2cSS3SS4aCS1bdata0CS3aerrCS4amdataCS1amdata TT Response: Actual: SSx - Start-splits Tx - Classic transaction CSx - Complete-splits CS4bmdataCS4cmdataCS4ddata0 Periodic Pipeline Example T1T2 Best Budget: Worst Budget: T3 T1T2T4T3 T4 CS1aCS3b CS4b CS4bCS4dCS1bCS3aCS4aCS4cSS1SS2aSS2cSS3SS4aSS2b SS1SS2a T1 T1 T2T2 T2Bulk T4 T4T4 T4 CS3c
May 17, Example Bus Traces w Split Bulk w Split Interrupt w Split Isochronous
May 17, USB2.0 Hub Additions Summary w Hub Class Descriptor & Requests w Optional Standardized Port Indicators w TT Internals – Bulk/Control buffering – Interrupt/Isochronous scheduled pipeline w Host OS Microframe Pipeline Scheduling