Population Segmentation Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Sue Williams Senior Social Research Officer Countryside Council for Wales
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Aim of analysis: Understanding the relationship between: participation in outdoor recreation; levels of physical activity; derived health benefits
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Analysis based on data from the Welsh Outdoor Recreation Survey: Household Survey of over 6000 residents of Wales 12 months continuous fieldwork Representative of the adult population of Wales Detailed questionnaire covering all aspects of recreation, physical activity and demographics
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Methodology: Multivariate analysis based on interaction between 3 variables: Frequency (5 x week) Duration (150+ minutes / week) Intensity (moderate to high)
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health 7 segments fit into 3 ‘Zones’: Red ZoneAmber ZoneGreen Zone 14% of pop’n56% of pop’n29% of pop’n 2 segments3 segments2 segments Least ActiveLow to ModerateHighly Active activity No / limited Some health Maximum health health benefitsbenefitsbenefits
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Red Zone Segment 1: Non-Participants. 6% Combination of old age + disability Associated ‘lifestyle’ factors: no car, no qualifications, retired No difference between men and women Not related to deprivation (Community First, WIMD) Very low level of Latent Demand Barriers: combination of ‘Disability’ + ‘Poor Health’ + ‘Old Age’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Red Zone Segment 2: Rare Participants. 8% Similar to ‘non-participants’ re old age + disability BUT … also include ‘middle-aged’ and ‘working’ ‘Passive’ activities Most likely to live in an urban area, but not related to deprivation (Community First, WIMD) High level of Latent Demand for ‘passive’ pursuits Main Barriers: ‘Too Busy’ + ‘No Reason’ or ‘Poor Health’ + ‘Old Age’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Amber Zone Segment 3: Infrequent, Low Intensity Participants. 9% Women with children; Not a dog owner Not related to deprivation (Community First, WIMD) or location ‘Passive’ pursuits, motivated by ‘entertaining children’ Visits Playgrounds, Local parks, Beaches Moderately high level of Latent Demand Main Barrier: ‘Too Busy’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Amber Zone Segment 4: Frequent, Low Intensity Participants. 21% Dog owners; No children Rural residents, but not related to deprivation (Community First, WIMD) ‘Walking’ in local areas (Parks and Farmland) Motivated by functional needs: ‘To walk the dog’ Low level of Latent Demand Main Barriers: ‘Too Busy’ and ‘No Reason’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Amber Zone Segment 5: High Intensity, Infrequent, Under 150 min. 26% Young /middle ages (25-44); educated, working and affluent Neither location nor deprivation have any effect ‘Active’ pursuits: running and cycling, in local areas (parks and roadside tracks) Motivated by ‘Health and Exercise’ High level of Latent Demand Main Barriers: ‘Too Busy’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Green Zone Segment 6: High Intensity, Infrequent, Over 150 min. 12% Men, middle-aged, with children, no dog Highly educated and working No difference re rural / urban or Community First, but in top 10% WIMD ‘Active’ pursuits and ‘Days Out’ – mountains, woods, coast Motivated by ‘Participating in my Hobby’ and ‘Scenery’ High level of Latent Demand Main Barriers: ‘Too Busy’ and ‘Lack of Places to Go’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Green Zone Segment 7: High Intensity, Frequent Participants. 17% Dog owners, living in rural areas, and in top 10% WIMD No difference between men / women, having children or a car, or Community First Areas Diversity of ‘Active’ pursuits: running, cycling, horse riding Different locations: Woods, Mountains, Farmland Range of motivations: ‘Health’, ‘Hobbies’, ‘Exercising Dog’ Lowest level of Latent Demand Main Barriers: ‘Too Busy’
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health So … which groups participate less? … there isn’t a simple answer! Multiple attributes (combinations of age, disabilities, genders, children, dog ownership and working status) Demographics have the greatest effect … followed by ‘lifestyle’ factors ‘Geography’ (where you live) has the least effect
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Non-participation associated with: combination of old age, disability and poor health but also those who are busy with low motivation Low participation associated with: women who have children, but no dog Low intensity associated with: dog owners (also likely to be older women) Short duration associated with: educated, affluent, working adults, who are too busy
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Key challenges: Who should we target? Single demographic groups? Multiple demographic / lifestyle groups? ‘lifestage’ groups rather than geographical areas? Which level should we focus on: Absolute non-participants? Limited participants? Maintain active participants
Population Segmentation: Outdoor Recreation, Physical Activity, and Health Full survey results are on CCW’s website: recreation-survey.aspx Enquires: Sue Williams Tel: