Identification of Intensive Reading Intervention Candidates Curriculum and Standards April 22, 2010
Meeting Goals Objectives Participants will be able to explain the expected protocol for the identification of candidates for intensive reading intervention. Agenda 1.Walk through the identification protocol 2.Identify program placement assessments 3.Clarify timeline
Step 1- Spring 2010 Analysis of data history Each site will examine the historical data contained on a CD to formulate an initial candidacy list representing students at their sites who may be strong candidates for intensive reading intervention instruction. (core replacement)
Data History Report Low risk Some risk At risk
Refine initial candidate list
Step 2 Use of additional data sources –Alternate ranking –Formative data history
It is a way to reflect on student performance levels. What is alternate ranking? How do you do an alternate ranking? Reflect on each student’s classroom performance in relation to an established set of criteria and list the students in an alternating fashion from most competent to least competent. Alternate Ranking PowerPoint can be found on Curriculum Standards webpage under Fast Track Teacher Resources.
Class Roster 1.Alex 2.Amanda 3.David 4.Amber 5.Chance 6.Ruby 7.Deshaun 8.Danny 9.Dora 10.Eric 11.Henry 12.Ian 13.Juan 14.Jose 15.Jessica 16.Jema 17.Kelsea 18.Manual Sample Classroom Data Alternate Ranking 1.Danny Dora
Class Roster 1.Alex 2.Amanda 3.David 4.Amber 5.Chance 6.Ruby 7.Deshaun 8.Danny 9.Dora 10.Eric 11.Henry 12.Ian 13.Juan 14.Jose 15.Jessica 16.Jema 17.Kelsea 18.Manual Sample Classroom Data Alternate Ranking 1.Danny 2.Jessica Amber 18. Dora
Class Roster 1.Alex 2.Amanda 3.David 4.Amber 5.Chance 6.Ruby 7.Deshaun 8.Danny 9.Dora 10.Eric 11.Henry 12.Ian 13.Juan 14.Jose 15.Jessica 16.Jema 17.Kelsea 18.Manual Sample Classroom Data Alternate Ranking 1.Danny 2. Jessica 3. Kelsea 4. Eric 5. Manual 6. Alex 7.Deshaun 8.Jema 9.Amanda 10.Jose 11.Chance 12.Ian 13.Juan 14.David 15.Henry 16.Ruby 17.Amber 18.Dora
Formative Data History Chapter/Unit tests Writing assessments Informal classroom data Other
Continue to refine initial candidate list
Step 3 Administer the appropriate core program diagnostic assessment to students on initial candidate list.
Grades 4 & 5 Pearson’s California Diagnostic Screening Assessment Indicate with an X students scoring below 50%.
Grades 6-8 Holt’s Literature and Language Arts Diagnostic Indicate with an X students scoring below 50%.
Step 4 Continue to confirm candidacy with any additional summative data.
Step 5- Fall 2010 Check 2010 CST scores Administer intervention placement test to final candidates in the fall. Fast Track- Comprehension Placement Assessment Passages High Point- High Point Diagnosis and Placement Inventory Language!- LRS Language! Reading Scale Gateways- California Gateways Placement Assessment
Administering the Placement Assessment Administer the pre-assessment to each student individually. Follow the script as you introduce the task. Record student errors by either circling or following running record conventions.. After the passage is read, ask the comprehension questions listed. Calculate accuracy and comprehension scores, then follow the directions outlined under Application. Fast Track
High Point Administering the Diagnosis and Placement Inventory Group administer the assessment for the level students most likely will place in based on fluency and standardized test scores. Calculate the overall percentage correct on the test. Place students in appropriate level indicated.
Language! Administering the Placement Language Reading Scale Group administer the assessment (Grades 3-5 for elementary or Grades 6-12 for middle school). Calculate the number of items answered correctly (raw score) and convert it to the Lexile score to determine placement level. Place students into level A or C.
Gateways Administering the California Gateways Placement Assessment subtests Group administer the 25 question subtest that matches the grade level at which a student reads. Calculate the overall percentage correct on the subtest. Depending on a student’s score, place him or her in the level indicated or have the student take an additional subtest.
Timeline Return confirmed candidate list at May 26th meeting. Continue Step 5 of identification protocol in August Final reading intervention student list sent to C&S by September 3, 2010.
Review meeting goals Next meeting Intervention Placement Testing May 26 PDC 8:00-10:00 Thank you!