Model Flood Early Warning System on River Nzoia-Kenya Daniel W. Wepukhulu Kenya Meteorological Service (KMS) K E N Y A
Middle catchment design of a large multi purpose dam Mult i purpose Weirs and check dams to check silts from being transferred to the floodplain Middle catchment design of a large multi purpose dam
NZOIA BASIN REAL-TIME STATE-OF-THE-ARTMONITORING SYSTEM: NETWORK PRESESENTED AT GHACOF 39, NAIROBI, KENYA NZOIA BASIN REAL-TIME STATE-OF-THE-ARTMONITORING SYSTEM: NETWORK HydroMET Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs) Flood monitoring equipment Timely detection of heavy rainfall over the basin Meteorological Satellite Images Detection of severe weather Automatic Radar River Level Stations Flood monitoring equipment Early detection of dangerous water levels
FLOOD DIAGNOSTICS AND FORECASTING (WARNING) CENTRE DATA ACQUISITION FLOOD FORECASTING MODEL-GFFS EARLY WARNING BULLETIN Use of Colour Codes: Green-No Risk Amber: Medium Risk RED: High Risk Description Range Colour codes Remark Flood Warning level (m) >5.0 m Above this point flooding can occur depending on strength of the dykes Alert levels 4.0 -5.0 m Watch No risk < 4.0m Safe CENTRAL BASE STATIONS FLOW FORECASTING MODEL DISSEMINATION Email list The OP-Ministry of State for Special Programmes National Disaster Operations Centre (NOC) Red Cross Medical/Health/Schools Religious Org NGOs County/District/Community Disaster Management Committees, etc] Radio Broadcasts: RANET Community FM Radio Station Internet website MODEL INPUTS Observed Areal Rainfall Observed Discharge/River Flow Observed Evapotranspiration Rainfall Forecast DATA DISPLAY – RIVER LEVEL WELL COORDINATED AND TIMELY RESPONSE PLAN SPATIAL RAINFALL ANALYSIS
Science Policy Resources MODEL EWS
THANK YOU Arigato Gozaimasi Asante Sana!