St Alfred’s happy cookies shop By Amber, Victoria, Jakub,
Number of people in gr 8 gr 2 gr 4 that like a certain type of cookies
our conclusion’s Our conclusion’s Is that most people out of all the flavors two most flavors that the gr 8, gr 2, and gr 4 liked caramel and fudge chip and caramel chip. Least flavors that the gr 8, gr 2, and gr 4 liked oatmeal and chocolate chip.
How much to sell the product for ? We are selling the cookies for a one dollar because we think that it is a fine price to sell the cookies for. We put one dollar because we thought that $1. 14 was to much and people don’t carry pennies anymore. 2 dollars is to much but a dollar is more of a even price. We are selling the cookies for a one dollar because we think that it is a fine price to sell the cookies for. We put one dollar because we thought that $1. 14 was to much and people don’t carry pennies anymore. 2 dollars is to much but a dollar is more of a even price.
Name and slogan The name of our tuck shop is Happy Cookies Our slogan is When all else Fails eat cookies! The name of our tuck shop is Happy Cookies Our slogan is When all else Fails eat cookies!
Our logo (Each students presented)
Logo by: Jakub mroz
Logo By: Amber Bettencourt
Logo by: Victoria gouveia
The end thanks for watching