T HE GOALS OF THE CAMPAIGN ELT-DS (EU-FP6) funds Understand the properties of the optical turbulence at ELT scales (which model for L0?) Understand the transition from free air to telescope enclosure Cross-correlate various instruments used in site surveys, establish confidence levels 2 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
Instruments’ baselines or diameters 2m GSM MOSP SCIDAR LUSCI MASS DIMM 8m AO WFS: NACO Interferometry: AMBER Kolmogorov / von Kàrmànvon Kàrmàn?? Nice & ESOESO & ONERA ESO Spatial scales s at which turbulence is probed by different instruments 3 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
MASS-DIMM (C N 2 (h), 0, 0 ) LUSCI (C N 2 (h)) SCIDAR (C N 2 (h),v(h), 0, 0, 0 ) MOSP ( L 0 (h), C N 2 (h), 0 ) DIMM ( 0, 0 ) GSM ( 0, L 0, 0, 0 ) NACO ( 0, L 0, 0 ) AMBER (OPD, 0, L 0 ) CN2 : structure constant L0 : outer scale V : wind speed ε 0 : seeing θ 0 : isoplanatic angle τ 0 : coherence time 4 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
C ORRECTION FROM GROUND (6 M ) TO ELT ( M ) Seeing conditions are monitored at lower height above ground Direct measurement of the surface layer turbulence properties in the first 100m Indirect estimations: UT-DIMM comparison MASS-DIMM comparison SLODAR-MASS-DIMM comparison LuSci-MASS-DIMM-GSM comparison m DIMMUTELT 6m 30m ? Symposium on seeing, Kona March Slide 5
N E Cute-SCIDAR location at Paranal The Paranal Astronomical Site Monitor is located on the platform, in a zone diametrically opposite to the Control Building, just behind the VST. The C UTE is located on the platform, in VLTI J2 Station. WHERE? 6 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
Cute-SCIDAR at Paranal (AT4 focus) for E-ELT Site Characterisation (Vázquez Ramió et al; The Messenger 132 – June 2008) INSTRUMENT COMMISSIONED IN NOVEMBER 2007 Data collected during 20 nights between November and December 2007 December acquisitions included in the Navidad Campaign 7 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
Meteo, DIMM, GSM and MOSP, MASS and LuSci 8 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
DIMM, GSM and MOSP 9 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008 SCIDAR-----
Synchronous acquisitions 10 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
GSM and MOSP GSM and MOSP (Borgnino & al, this conference)…& nearby buildings 11 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
LUSCI - J. Beckers, 1993 & this conference - P. Hickson, 2004 & this conference - A. Tokovinin SPIE 7013, FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
MASS-DIMM MASS-DIMM on C11 tube and ASTELCO mount 13 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
T URBULENCE PROFILES FROM MASS The altitude weighting functions of MASS and SCIDAR are of different physical nature 14 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
on VLTI J2 Station 300 m vertical resolution layers sensed between the ground (pupil) and 22.5 km above pupil (about 78 layers sensed each 25 seconds) C n 2 for each layer (GL + FA) Isoplanatic Angle 15 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
SCIDAR SCIDAR real time analysis and first post-processing Real time turbulence evolution including and excluding dome turbulence (see Fuensalida et al. 2008, MNRAS, 389, 731) Direct correlation with Seeing from other Profilers or Monitors, wind speed and wind direction Recombination of the turbulence profile in a “MASS-like” structure for immediate comparison 16 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
R ESULTS FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
MASS vs Cute-SCIDAR “MASS-like” structure: X-Comparison 25 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008 300 m vertical resolution layers sensed between the ground (pupil) and 22.5 km above pupil (about 78 layers sensed each 25 seconds) C n 2 for each layer (GL + FA) Isoplanatic Angle
MASS vs Cute-SCIDAR “MASS-like” structure: X-Comparison 26 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008
MASS vs Cute-SCIDAR “MASS-like” structure: X-Comparison clocks from the two instruments are synchronized within few seconds data are 1 minute averages in one night Cute-SCIDAR averages are synchronized no more than ± 30 sec with respect to MASS data 27 FOROT-Sardenia September 2008 more work needed!!!