CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2009 by THE CONSULTING CONSORTIUM LIMITED (TCC) No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of The Consulting Consortium Limited Treating Customers Fairly Small Firms (SF) TCF Frameworker A web based tool to help you deliver your regulatory responsibilities
TCC Presentation Template2 The Consulting Consortium has developed a self assessment tool to identify, evidence and demonstrate how well TCF is embedded. This tool has been designed specifically with PFS members in mind. The system is web based This version has been designed specifically for smaller firms (those with less than 10 advisers) to help them meet the challenges The system uses a simple checkpoint system Covers the 6 outcomes Provides examples of what good looks like Root cause analysis, not just the symptoms Provides meaningful MI Will support your firm’s TCF Action Plans Acts as a repository of information and documentation keeping evidence of your TCF work in one place What is the SF TCF Frameworker?
TCC Presentation Template3 Why did TCC create this tool for you? TCF Deadlines & Findings – Only 13% of a sample of firms showed they had achieved the March 2008 deadline – There is evidence that some firms are still struggling to determine what TCF means to their firm and evidence that they do treat customers fairly As a result of its extensive work within the industry, TCC believe that many firms still need help in defining and acting upon consistent and clear guidelines
TCC Presentation Template4 What do the FSA expect? Firms take TCF seriously Firms understand how TCF applies to their business Firms focus on achieving consumer outcomes A strong culture of TCF has been embedded within the firm Firms are able to demonstrate that they are treating customers fairly Firms are using MI to monitor whether customers are being treated fairly and take action when necessary Firms need to listen and act upon feedback from customers and staff The SF TCF Frameworker has built in assessment, guidance and prompts to make sure you are on the right track to meet FSA expectations
TCC Presentation Template5 FSA supervision—Are you ready? FSA just begun second year of a three year supervisory programme focusing on TCF within small firms The FSA might: – Invite you to attend a TCF roadshow – Ask you to complete a TCF questionnaire and provide information/documentation to assess your progress – Interview you—Face-to-face or telephone – Undertake a follow up visit Using the SF TCF Frameworker will help you prepare for FSA supervision and ensure information is to hand, if needed
TCC Presentation Template6 The SF TCF Frameworker—In view Clear instructions ensure this system is very user friendly. The RAG risk rating ensures a logical approach.
TCC Presentation Template7 The SF TCF Frameworker—In view Frameworker enables you to drill down into each TCF Outcome by answering a series of detailed questions. Your answer can be clearly evidenced though the addition of notes and you can even attach documents as further evidence giving you a completely TCF repository.
TCC Presentation Template8 The SF TCF Frameworker—In view The facility to produce graphs illustrates your TCF progress:
TCC Presentation Template9 How much will the SF TCF Frameworker cost? This tool is being offered with unlimited use for a 12 month period for just £395 + VAT This price will be guaranteed for a minimum of 2 years This price is for PFS Members – Non members would pay £795 + VAT
TCC Presentation Template10 What do I do next? Simply click on the link the PFS have provided and this will take you into the TCC product area Select SF TCF Frameworker Then by inputting your unique code detailed on the TCF Framworker - PFS Members only page, you will see the price offered to you reduce to £395 The next steps will take you through the standard T&Cs and payment options Delivery will be soon after this has been concluded Now you can get started (Note: TCC has produced a guide to getting you started for those less familiar with computer systems)
TCC Presentation Template11 In conclusion TCF did not stop in December – TCF has become “business as usual” Note: This is a self analysis tool and therefore will rely of the quality of information which is inputted or attached. TCC cannot be held responsible for any information submitted by your company or employees inside your company. If you report a Red or Amber score it indicates action needs to be taken. TCC believes if all firms use this tool they will be able to demonstrate their TCF actions as well as receiving advice and guidance on FSA expectations Will you be ready to demonstrate you have met the challenge?
TCC Presentation Template12 Joanne Smith Managing Director The Consulting Consortium Limited Contact us Cannon Street London EC4N 5AF Tel: +44 (0) Fax:+44 (0) th Floor, No. 1 The Interchange Nelson Street Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 5AX Tel: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0)